I just performed a test with a short message:

This is yellow.  This is Garamond typeface.  This is Comic Sans typeface.
 This is BOLD.  This is italicized.  This is underlined.
This is in a different size.
Note emoticon --->

This is yellow.  *This is underlined.* This is Garamond typeface *this is
bold.* * This is italic.*  This is another size.

The unadorned source file is
167,567 bytes, while the "marked up" file is
167,240 bytes. (Could be shorter because there's less text in it.)

Both are bloated.  Any size difference is, IMHO, academic.


| 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288   May the Spirit     |
|   41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164      of pi spread      |
|   06286 20899 86280 34825 32411 70679 82148  around the world.  |
|   08651 32823 06647 09384 46095 50582 ...        PI VOBISCUM!    |
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