On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Philip TAYLOR <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk> wrote:
> Paceaux wrote:
>> most of the time, I actually set html{font-size: 16px} so I can guarantee
>> the font size and a width of 960px.
> Why do you /want/ to guarantee the font size ?  Surely
> the user is the best judge of the size at which he or
> she likes to read things, and therefore you should respect
> that judgement rather than seeking to circumvent it.
> Philip Taylor
> ______________________________________________________________________

While I generally agree with your statement Philip, I think that using
it as an absolute law for font sizing might be giving users more
credit for having any idea what their browser or system default font
size is or how to change it.  Isn't your argument really more saying
that browser and computer manufacturers know better than designers,
rather than that users know better?

That said, I'm a fan of body{font-size: 100%} and using em to size
things up from there.  Almost always up.

And that, that said, I am usually coding from someone else's design so
I often have no choice.  In a perfect world I'd be a better designer
than I am.



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