Tim Arnold wrote:

While I generally agree with your statement Philip, I think that using
it as an absolute law for font sizing might be giving users more
credit for having any idea what their browser or system default font
size is or how to change it.  Isn't your argument really more saying
that browser and computer manufacturers know better than designers,
rather than that users know better?

No, but I understand your perspective.  In an ideal world, it would
be possible for a browser to "know" whether :

(a) a user had explicitly set a default font size
(because he or she didn't like the default that comes
with the browser/OS)

(b) was happy with the browser/OS default, and therefore
just left it as it came out of the box, or

(c) was desperately unhappy with the default, but had
no idea how to override it, and was therefore ecstatic
when he or she came upon a web site that set a default
that matched his or her preferences or expectations.

But this is far from an ideal world, and in real life
no-one other than the user him/herself could possibly
know which (if any) of those three obtain.

So we, as web designers, have to make a conscious choice :
should we assume that most users fall into categories (a)
and (b), or that they fall into category (c).

My suggestion (that a designer should /not/ specify a default
font size (other than 100% or 1em)) is based on my assumption
that most users fall into categories (a) and (b).  If I am
wrong, and most users fall into category (c), then setting
another default would conceivable make sense, except that
we still cannot know whether "the average user" finds his/her
browser/OS default font size too large or too small, and if
so, by what amount.

So, on balance, even in the case of the majority of users
falling into category (c), we can still do no better than
to not set a default font size at all, or to set at at 100%
or 1em.

The defence rests, m'lud.
Philip Taylor
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