Thanks for the feedback.  I was hoping there was a solution that allowed me
to keep both my percentage based widths as well as the static width
borders.  If I can't find a way to do this I am planning on reducing one of
the widths a bit.  I wish there was a way to do something like
.selector {
    width: 61%-4px;
A few things I'm curious about is why does Chrome render how i want, and
why is the total width in FF 100%+1px, not 100%+4px? (4 1px borders)
One last question, does anyone know how many decimal places you can use
when setting pixel and percentages in CSS? In my experience it seems like
fonts allow finer accuracy (i've used ems values like 2.4) but widths seem
only to allow #.0 and #.5.  Any info or references about this?

Thanks again Chetan, and I'd be happy to hear if anyone as any info
regarding my questions.


On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Chetan Crasta <>wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 10:08 AM, David Odefey <> wrote:
>> The page is part of a project in development, and it is dynamic. I copied
>> the view source to get a static snapshot and uploaded it along with the css
>> to:
>> again, chrome-fine, firefox, breaks (by 1px)
>> Thanks for taking a look
>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 10:19 PM, Chetan Crasta 
>> <>wrote:
>>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 8:19 AM, David Odefey <> wrote:
>>>> I'm working on a fluid layout.  It is rending how i would like in Chrome
>>>> 15, but breaks in FF 8 (win7)
> The border on <section class=content-blog-recent whitebox"> is causing the
> problem (remove it and the boxes align correctly). You see, the width of
> that div is 61% with 3% left and right padding, a total of 67%. The
> #sidebar has a width of 30% and a left margin of 3%, total 33%. 67% + 33% =
> 100%. This leaves no space for the 1px border (total 2px left and right).
> Either remove the border entirely or keep 2px space for it.
> Regards,
> Chetan Crasta
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