> On Dec 23, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Elli Vizcaino wrote:
>>  This has always been my experience w Safari render fonts even when viewing 
> directly on a Mac. I really need the font to render like the rest of the 
> browsers because that heavy weight is throwing my design off :(. 
>>  http://www.e7flux.com/clients/sof/safari-ff-ss.jpg
> As I said, check your Safari settings.
> Philippe
> --
> Philippe Wittenbergh
> http://l-c-n.com/

Ok so I checked my settings and by default it's set to Windows Standard. How is 
this Windows standard when windows doesn't render the fonts with a bold weight 
like that. And how does this help my case in trying to get the font to render 
the same multi-browser?


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