On 27.07.2012 14:09, Peter H. wrote:
On the other hand, if 'float-' is a mistype (and doesn't exist as a 
declaration) then there is no float declaration and the whole thing depends on 
display: inline-block;

Is that right?

The hyphen is my "quick and dirty" way of disabling a declaration without deleting it or commenting it out. Makes life so much easier to have the CSS validator find the disabled declarations, than to keep track of comments or deleted declarations. I have and make frequent use of a few such tricks while debugging CSS, to speed up the process. Should not have left it in since it can cause confusion to others.

So, correct, the whole thing rely on 'display: inline-block', and the crippled float declaration can/should be deleted and forgotten. You wanted an alternative to equal height floats, and inline-block are very often the best alternative.


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