On 28.07.2012 13:29, Markus Ernst wrote:

The headings here match the width of 3 image elements plus borders and the 2 margins between them. With space characters added to the margins, the width cannot be caluclated reliably anymore.

Maybe you know a workaround for this, too?

Sort of - in a round-about way. The "auto added" space is approx .5em either side of an inline-block, so by subtracting 1em from margin at front-side (often means negative front-margin) and offsetting the blocks (position: relative) to line up 1em further in - where they should show up, you can achieve pretty pixel-accurate margin calculations. Test and tweak subtracted value and offset till line-up is as stable as can be, and use backside margins to create wanted space.

In most cases I simply set margins in em, .5em less that I want the blocks spaced. But since em is not always the right unit to make sure all blocks line up as intended in a more pixel controlled design, the "round-about" is how I do it while waiting for the calc() property to be supported across browser-land.

FYI: I have added more line-up variants for the inline-block method itself - a total of 6 variants listed here...


Have not included the margin tweaking you ask for yet, but may later.

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