On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 4:18 PM, David Hucklesby <huckle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But why would you do that? (Use "@media" on its own, that is.)

Another good question! :D

I left out a critical piece of info:


Long story short, that's a LESS concept/technique where one uses
variable overrides for the @media XXXXXXX part, thus allowing old IEs
to load desktop styles (by using an IE-specific stylesheet link in
head). If you read the README, it should be pretty self explanatory.

If you read through that issue I linked to, I talk about how my first
idea was to use an empty string for the override which would make all
media queries look like:

@media { .. }

That would the cleanest solution IMHO; unfortunately, based on my
cursory tests, IE8 won't load styles within that type of simple
"at-rule" (thanks for the clarification on the terminology).

Once I realized IE 8 was having issues, I tried both "screen" and
"all"; both of which appear to work (that is, old IEs load all styles
within said MQs).

> Then again, "@media screen," "@media print," and "@media all" on their own
> are
> not media queries. These are called "at-rules" and have been around for a
> long
> time.

Again, thanks for the clarification on the terminology. :)

I had assumed @media was considered to be a media query. Shows what I know. :D

I guess it's because I don't use "at-rules" outside of the context of
a media query, so that's why I assumed the term "media query" would

So, technically speaking then, all media querys are also "at-rules",
but not all "at-rules" are media queries. Got it! :)

> Both "@media screen" and "@media all" apply to screen displays in all
> browsers, not just IE (of any flavor).

Agreed. :)

> For media queries and other CSS3 support questions, you may find this link
> useful (despite its name :-) -
>  <http://html5please.com>

Thanks for link!

I could not find anything under "@", "@media" or "media query".

Checking here:


Interestingly enough, the result that shows is labled "media query"!
FAIL! (Hehe, just kidding). :)

I suppose the caniuse site is just listing CSS3 stuff.

Searching Google for "at-rule" is yielding some good results though.
Again, thanks for the terminology clarification. :D


So, based on the info on the above page, it looks like @media screen,
print, projection, handheld, and all (or a comma-separated list of
more than one) will work in old IEs. That's exactly the type of
confirmation that I'm looking for.

Another Google search of "at-rules and old explorers" led me to this page:


... which says @media is supported in IE 6-10. When going to the
@media detail page:


... they list "screen", "print" and "all" as supported "media types"

Awesome. I think that's pretty concrete evidence that this will work
in the real world (I just need to avoid @media, without a media type,
and IE 8).

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