On 3/16/14 12:13 PM, Georg wrote:
You are absolute positioning "in thin air" ... not given browsers a starting point for positioning. That makes browsers "guess" what you mean, and one browser's guess is as good as another's.

#social { top: 0; left: 0;}
...as starting points, will make browsers agree.
If you also add...
#social { outline: solid 1px red;}
...while designing, you will see where and how wide that container is.

this fixed things for Safari, but all the other browsers are showing things pretty much wherever the spirit moves them. Is there something else I've left "up for grabs" in this? The whole design appears to be exploding....

thanks for any clues...FYI, I validated the code first: http://coffeeonmars.com/W200/test/DTake_Index.html

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