On Apr 14, 2014, at 7:18 PM, Tim Climis <tim.cli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now I blame rounding errors.  Margin is 21.141px and content is 286.094px.  
> You'll end up with a margins at 21 or 22, and content at 286 or 287 depending 
> on how things fall.

So it would seem, but I have 2 more questions: I've heard and read that 
browsers **LOVE** long decimals. The exact phrasing is, "they eat it for 
breakfast" so feel free to use values like 4.23513547898465441235764687415354% 
and the browsers will "know what to do."

With that level of precision, would rounding errors be in the neighborhood of a 
billionth of a pixel?

question 2: am I trying to do what I want to do, the wrong way? if so, what is 
a better way?

Thank you!

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