On Apr 15, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Georg <ge...@gunlaug.com> wrote:

> Need more info than that you want to divide a width in 3 equally wide 
> containers. Only then can we suggest "good", "better", and maybe even "best" 
> way to do it.

Fair enough..thank you…for a portfolio site, let’s say there are 3 categories 
of work…design, illustration and web dev.

So there would be 3 images, each with a head above and a snippet of text 
below…each of these “widgets” would be static, and there would be a “see more” 
link or button to take the User to more of that category.

they’d remain 3 across through tablet but then snap down to 1 column at mobile. 
But at desktop/tablet, it would be 3 “widgets” of equal width and spaced 
equally apart and to the right or left.

Basically, it works, but the middle image has a 1-pixel “leak” depending on how 
wide the viewport is.

Thank you!

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