On Nov 7, 2014, at 9:08 AM, GJim <jarne...@wyomerc.com> wrote:

> Howdy Karl,
> Nice utility to automate adding a copyright to an image.
> However, that's not a dynamic solution such as Philip mentioned.
> Also, I notice that your code allows for a maximum image size of 516K - is 
> there
> a particular reason for that limitation?

Thank you.

Actually it is dynamic. 

$yearstamp = date( "Y");
$copyright = "Copyright Design Drumm $yearstamp"; 

Line 203:
imagestringup($timg, $font, $max_w-10, $max_h-5, $copyright, $picFG);//Very 
basic text watermark. Replace with an image watermark maybe?

The max image size I believe (I wrote this back in 2010) was a personal 
preference associated with server space OR max upload size of my server.
Can't remember off the top, but this number can be changed to any size you 
want, just convert it to bytes.

I built this so I could upload hundreds of product photos more quickly and 
efficiently. It also can be used for multiple formates. Gif, jpeg and png.
The image you place on top must be a transparent png though.


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