On Nov 7, 2014, at 7:50 AM, Philip Taylor <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hallo Karl --
>> Have you thought of pointer-events: none; and pointer-events: auto for your 
>> images?
> The site is /very/ old, and has not been updated for some considerable time.  
> I am not familiar with "pointer-events" :  could you briefly explain what 
> they accomplish and the effects of the two values "none" and "auto" ?
>> Noticed you have -webkit-user-select: none. That doesn't work for the mouse.
>> Thinking you already know this though. :)
> I certainly did not add that myself (I do not use vendor prefixes) and I 
> cannot see it when I view source or look at the style files; where did you 
> see it, please ?
> ** Phil.

OH!, I saw it in safari when I viewed your link. Safari 6.2 Mac OS 10.8.5

>From what I read, pointer-events: works mostly with SVG but it also controls 
>the click of an object and all its children.
So if you put pointer-events:none; on an element, it and all its children are 
However if you wish for a child to still be clickable but not its parent, then 
you reset it with pointer-events: auto;.
Once you put pointer-events:auto on that child, all children in that child 
element are clickable and so forth. 
It has come in handy for me for example, on those curtains I was working on a 
while ago. 
I didn't want users to click/drag them but still have things behind them 
pointer-events:none in essence, with how I was using it, made a div able to be 
clicked "through".
Like it wasn't there. Pretty nifty trick. :)


Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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