Tom Livingston wrote:

How do you handle hover events on touch devices?
Currently I don't. Until you brought this to my attention, I hadn't considered how problematic the :hover property could be on touch screen devices.

For example, a button whose bg color changes on hover. On iOS, the
hover change happens on tap. Not really a big deal but I'm not a fan
of this personally.
At my site the main navigation links should only display a text color change on hover. However after reading this post I noticed that for some reason yet to be discovered my Andriod 4.3 device will also show a momentary background-color change as well as the text color change on tap. I wasn't expecting to see the background-color change.
Is it just a matter of moving the hover styles to
a wider breakpoint? This seems simplistic, but technically would work
provided you don't mind hover effects not working if you narrowed your
browser window enough. I'd rather not add script just for this issue.
Am I missing another simple solution?


I think how simple the solution will be depends on how the :hover property is used. I found this interesting article this morning,

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