On Jan 9, 2016, at 9:12 PM, Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com> wrote:

> You don't. 
> You can but that is a little silly IMO.
> Hover is a mouse event meant for interaction with a mouse.
> Until the screen can detect your finger hovering over it, there is no need to 
> set hover for mobile.
> I know this statement may come with a backlash from some evangelicals, 
> however think about it.
> Do you put wings on a car just because you can? Just for looks?
> Design for your device. Leave the mouse events for the mouse and the click 
> events for mobile to turn into tap events.
> If you really must have hover events on mobile, then javascript/jQuery is the 
> way to go.
> it includes setting a timeout to see if their finger has stayed on the screen 
> for so long past a click.
> Best,
> Karl DeSaulniers
> Design Drumm
> http://designdrumm.com

In case anyone needs. Here is a jQuery function to handle touch. 

var clickTime = new Date() ;
var clickSP = 300 ;

$(your_link).bind("touchstart", function(e){
        var nowTime = new Date(),
        t = parseInt(nowTime.getTime() - clickTime.getTime());
        if ((t < clickSP) && (e.originalEvent.touches.length == 1)) {
                //fire off your hover event
        clickTime = nowTime ;

It has more uses than just firing off hover events, just FYI. ;)


Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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