I'm racking my brain with it for a few days and can not find any solution,

I have the following config file,

group website
> {
>         host web-staging (wwwsite) ;
>         key /etc/csync2/key.d/www.key;
>         include /www/site_under_maintains/*;
>         exclude *~ .*;
>         auto younger;
> }

​when I run csync2 -x I get this error messages;

​# csync2 -x index.html
> While syncing file /www/site_under_maintains/index.html:
> ERROR from peer wwwsite: File is also marked dirty here!
> Auto-resolving conflict: Won 'master/slave' test.
> While syncing file /www/site_under_maintains/index.html:
> ERROR from peer wwwsite: File is also marked dirty here!
> ERROR: Auto-resolving failed. Giving up.
> Finished with 2 errors.

I Also tried to force the sync but it's not working, and i still get this
error messages.

# csync2 -vm index.html ; csync2 -vvf index.html ; csync2 -x index.html
> Marking file as dirty: /www/site_under_maintains/index.html
> Finished with 0 errors.
> My hostname is web-staging.
> Database-File: /var/lib/csync2/web-staging.db
> Config-File:   /etc/csync2.cfg
> SQL: UPDATE dirty SET force = 1 WHERE filename =
> '/www/site_under_maintains/index.html'
> SQL: SELECT command, logfile FROM action GROUP BY command, logfile
> SQL Query finished.
> Finished with 0 errors.
> While syncing file /www/site_under_maintains/index.html:
> ERROR from peer wwwsite: File is also marked dirty here!
> Auto-resolving conflict: Won 'master/slave' test.
> While syncing file /www/site_under_maintains/index.html:
> ERROR from peer wwwsite: File is also marked dirty here!
> ERROR: Auto-resolving failed. Giving up.
> Finished with 2 errors.

PS. congratulation on the 2.0 release.

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