-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 5 Jan 1999, Hawk wrote:
>> And just WHERE do you think those 'domesticated Indian elephants' get
>Most elephants do not get parked...

Oh....are you telling us that these happy domesticated elephants never

>> Do you really think that privately owned Indian elephants in the increasingly
>> urbanized southeast Asia get put into garages, complete with automatic dooropeners,
>> every night?
>Nope... hadn't thought that at all.  Why would you suppose such an absurd thing?

I don't at all...that is the premise YOU seemed to believe...altho now
you seem to be saying that these elephants never stop moving, never get
fed, never sleep at night...

But if you DO grant that at some time in the 24-hour day, that these
elephants need to be PUT somewhere, to be sheltered from the elements,
fed, washed (elephants' skin require that they get completely wet at
least once a day), and have a place to sleep...just WHERE do you think
this can be done in a previously rural area (where elephants used to be
kept in lean-tos attached to the owner's habitation, and the elephants
could graze on the vegetation in the immediate area) that is now urban?
Just WHERE does someone keep an elephant when a previously rural area is
now paved over, and one lives in a highrise apartment?

>The domesticated elephant does not live in "natrual habitat."  Presumably he gets
>parked in garages with automatic door openers... right?  I have a horse, for instance,
>that does not live in "natural habitat."

I presume your horse is not kept in midtown Manhattan...

Wherever your horse is, my guess it is not kept in an URBAN

It takes a lot of money to own a horse, and pay the boarding fees at a

I'd like you to show me where in southeast Asia, there is a plethora of
elephant stables...

>> your contention was that AFRICAN elephants should be privately owned like some 
>> elephants are...ignoring the FACT that African elephants are basically untrainable.
>Training has nothing whatsoever to do with it.  If people owned African elephants, and
>there resources were dependent on the elephant's welfare, they would take care of them
>and the elephants would be better off.

Boy, you really ARE dense, aren't you?  Just WHY would anyone own an
African elephant if they couldn't train it to be profitable for them?
That is the only reason anyone in southeast Asia owns an Indian elephant,
so that it can do work for them.

If Africans suddenly bought their native elephants, they'd have an animal
that would be very expensive to feed and house, difficult (and expensive)
to keep healthy...for something that would be nothing but a 'pet' with a
fairly nasty temperment that would manifest that nastiness by going on a
rampage (again, an expensive proposition, as the owner would have to pay
for the damage the 'pet' elephant caused)...the only way someone's
'resources' would be 'dependent on the elephant's welfare' would be when
those owners' resources flowed out of their pockets to pay for the
welfare of their elephant, the elephant wouldn't provide any incoming

>> You also ignore the fact of the USES the Indian elephant was put to, and
>> therefore fail to recognize WHY the Indian elephant, privately owned tho
>> many of them may be, is becoming increasingly rare...
>If there is no use for them, why the expense and effort to keep them alive?

Most wild Indian elephants are protected just like African elephants...
privately owned elephants are used in the increasingly disappearing rural
areas for the uses that elephants were traditionally put to, most often
for moving large objects, trees and such, to clear land for more

>> I would not presume to second-guess God's mind in WHY elephants...or any
>> other species...was put on Earth...neither would I presume to state that
>> eliminating any species would have little, or no, effect on the greater
>> whole...
>Then you shouldn't presume that preserving the species is worth the effort either.

No, I presume GOD put them here for a reason, and that _I_ shouldn't
presume that any animal species doesn't have a right to exist...

But SCIENTIFICALLY, it makes sense to preserve species, as the whole
ecosystem is interdependent...


      The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
      Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
        -- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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