-Caveat Lector-

Hawk wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> nurev wrote:
> >  You shouldn't and neither should I. Do I have health insurance or do I get you to
> > pay for my stupidity by going to the emergency room?
> Can't you see that what you are attacking is socialism?

You don't know what the hell you're talking about do you?

> How, pray tell, do you get me
> to pay for your emergency room, unless you elect some thugs to extort my money
> to pay it?

That's not socialism you idiot. That's democracy. And that's what I'm
about in all these posts. I'm not talking about being a dictator like
Mao, or Joe Steel as your moronic compatriot claimed in a related
post. I'm
talking about what we citizens decide democratically.

> > If I do have health insurance, do your rates go up because I felt like sticking
> > pine cones in my ears?
> Nope... Because if the govm't didn't require insurance companies to NOT discriminate,
> and offer policies to fools as well as the wise, I would buy my insurance from a
> company that plainly said, "We do not pay for the consequences of fools who sholve 
> cones into body cavities."  My insurance would be cheaper, nor more expensive.

And of course that includes smokers, drinkers, dopers, addicts, and
thrill junkies.

> > What do you mean " eventually?" What if your wife and children were in one of
> > those cars and crashed and died?
> Why, becuase you were shoving pine cones while driving?  If so, then you should be
> assigned to a penal colony for the rest of your natural life....
> > Is that worth YOUR philosophy of freedom?
> Yes it is... Where there is freedom, there is risk.

You're a jerk.

> I'll take the risks that go with
> freedom.  The difference is, I am willing to pay the consequences, and you want > 
>someone else to pay.
> > If YOUR freedom means putting others at serious risk of life or limb, then you will
> > just have to do with less freedom.
> I will?  And I suppose that you and people like you will "see to it" that I "do with
> less freedom."

Hey listen. I don't know you from a hole in the ground. Don't flatter
yourself. You
are not so important that me and people like me are out to diminish
your freedom.
Your philosophy is fucked and so is your character for choosing it.
That's all
I am contending with here.

> Those who willingly and recklessly place other people at serious risk
> should be punished severely... If the punishment were swift enough, and severe 
> fewer people would shove pine cones while driving.
> > I care about your family more than I care about your freedom. Do you?
> Give me a break!  Please... DON'T care for my family.... You have no obligation to do
> so, and I would appreciate it if you would mind your own business.

Fair enough. My business includes the society I live in and the
ecology I live on. If
you are situated in either of these two places, like it or not, we
have to deal with
each other.

> > This is pleasant theoretical bullshit, but if we know that 50% of pine cone jammers
> > throw rocks at cars and wind up hurting people, then it would only be wise to 
> > that behavior to save lives.
> No sir... It would be wise to throw everyone who does so into the penal colony with a
> hoe and a sack of seed.
> > If that means it's harder for you to indulge in such behavior, so be it. You lose. 
> > all win. If you can't live with this, then get yourself a little homestead in the
> > mountains and do what ever the hell you want.
> That is what it aways boils down to with "your kind of folks" isn't it?  "If you 
> do what we say, you cannot live with us... go somewhere else."

Well sure if you are a selfish greedy destructive oinker. What do you
expect? A
good citizen's award?

> Suppose we just round
> you and your guys up and "send you someplace else?"  But I have a better idea....
> Suppose we just make you pay your own way?  In which case you would either wise up or
> starve to death, and frankly, I'm not sure which I would prefer.

I do pay my own way. I don't know what the hell your talking about. I
pay my way
and then some.

> > > Or rather, YOU and a group of others who agree with you?
> >
> > What others?
> The "party" or the "gang" you collect about you, or who more likely collected you 
> them, and voted your thugs into office to tell the rest of us how we must behave.

Oh. Poor little baby. Does little baby not like being told what to do
by big bad
democratic majority of his neighbors. Well tough shit. That's politics
in the USA.
I work for more democracy. Much more democracy. If my fellow citizens
choose to
go down a path I disagree with, I must accept it or leave because
those are the
risks in a democratic system.

Nobody will give up the little democracy we have to suit a bunch of
elitist oinkers like you.

> > It's not possible to outlaw greed. But you don't need to be lavishly rewarded for 
> I tell you what.... You just don't contribute to how lavishly or how niggardly I am
> rewarded.. That way, you won't have a complaint either way... Right?  In short, why 
> just mind your own business and leave the rest of us to our own devices, and the
> rewards or tragedies that result from them?
> You pay your way, and I'll pay mine.. and
> you can contribute to whoever else you feel is deserving... Just don't force my
> participation.  It doesn't seem all that difficult a concept to me.

Not difficult at all. But I can't get away from you and you can't get
away from me.
We are connected through the economy. People like you can't be trusted
in a free
economy without being watched like a hawk. I think that people in
business need
to be scrutinized from asshole to appetite. As to what you do to
yourself at home...
I don't really care.

> > Not freedom and liberty. I fear ideological theories that have no basis in  
> > >
> > > Then why do you embrace them so?
> >
> > No basis in reality eh? How come all organized societies are more like my
> > concept than yours?
> Because men love evil rather than good... Because more people are lazy than
> industrious.... Because more people are beggers rather than producers ... Because 
> the option, more people would require me to be responsible for them rather than being
> responsible for themselves... That's just for starters... The list goes on.

So it seems that you are implying that a system of democracy is not
you approve of because those evil lazy beggars can prevent you from
doing anything
you want to do. Am I right? I want to be sure about this.

> > > Please, Sir, find a kind master for yourself and leave  the rest of us alone.
> >
> > I'll be glad to leave you alone. Until you sell tobacco,
> I don't sell it.. I buy it...

You're not going to wind up in a hospital using public resources are
you. Socialism
is not for you. I hope that you are man enough to die for you beliefs.
I know that
a self sufficient superior being like you has enough money to pay a
free market
for service doctor to treat you for your long slow painful...choice.

> > crack, heroin, defective toys, poisoned food, polluting cars, endangered species,
> > hate speech, and other sundries.
> You're a real piece of art.... I thought you were serious there for a while... Yep, 
> had me going... I admit... Now I see you were just joking all along.

Not joking. Better understand that.

> > If you don't like it leave. You are not going to get your way because it's 
> > to run a large society on such idotic ideology.
> There you go again.... "If you don't do as I say, you must leave."  But, my 
> and lunatic friend... There is another option...
> > You may need to start your own.
> That's right!  You guessed it.
> Hawk

Try Idaho.


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