-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990208a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
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@ Shattering Y2K doomsday dreams. (USA Today) Content warning: Do not read
this column if you have recently moved your entire family to arctic Canada
desperately hoping to avoid the apocalyptic aftermath of the Y2K problem.
Striking a millennial nerve - http://www.usatoday.com/life/cyber/cc.htm

# Strange but true: Only matter of time 'til Earth is hit. We're all doomed,
eventually - see http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,30009344,00.html

: Is Y2K just a prelude to an asteroid hit? Is the end really near? When?
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*** Nova Scotia won't fund in vitro. HALIFAX (AP) A Nova Scotia couple lost
their legal bid to obtain provincial medical coverage for in vitro fertili-
zation treatments to help conceive a child. "The medical procedures used to
attempt to have a child have not been shown to be 'medically required'" the
chief justice wrote. Province can't afford to pay for in vitro treatment -
see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2558345618-bcd

: Who should pay for your reproductive choices? For contraception, cloning,
abortion, childbirth, genetic screening/engineering, biomorphing, cyborging?
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# Glimmer of hope for homeopathy cures. (BBC) New research suggests tiny
amounts of arsenic can cure stomach cramps. But not vanishingly small -
see http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_271000/271217.stm

# Alert over herbal cigarettes. (BBC) Herbal cigarettes, marketed as an aid
to quit smoking, are a potential health hazard, scientists have warned.

: What's your favorite natural poison? How much do you use? How often? Why?
D'ya know herbal cigs may have more nicotine than regular cigs? D'ya care?
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*** Mass marriage held in South Korea. SEOUL, South Korea (AP) Shivering in
her thin, white wedding dress in freezing winter weather, Japanese bride
Yuko Itou lifted her arms high and shouted "manse," meaning hurrah, 3 times.
So did her South Korean groom whom she met only two days ago. And so did
12,000 other newly wed couples in white dresses and dark suits, with their
voices echoing across Seoul's Chamsil Olympic Stadium. The cheer ended a
2-hour wedding arranged by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. A
church spokesman said the ceremony, in which 30,000 married couples also
renewed their vows, was the largest wedding ever. See

: Does your religion promote mass weddings? Do you have enough members to
even *have* mass weddings? When will the mass divorces happen? Where? Why?
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# Stroke hope in brain cell transplants. (BBC) Doctors have succeeded in
transplanting laboratory-grown cells into the brains of stroke patients,
helping restore motor and speech skills.

#  Life Among Dead Brain Cells: Discovery Could Improve Memory Capacity
Of Stroke Victims. Regeneration of neurons in mouse brains - see:

: Would you like your brain regenerated, enhanced, transplanted? How much?
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# 2 more Christians killed in India. NEW DELHI (UPI) Police suspect Hindu
fundamentalists are to blame for the deaths of 2 more Christians in India's
eastern state of Orissa. Attackers attempted to rape a Christian girl near
Mundasor village of Kondhamal district; when a boy came to rescue her, the
two were killed with sharp edged weapons. Residents of mostly
Christian-populated Mundasor village had sought police protection fearing
attacks by Hindu radicals, who have unleashed a terror against Christian
community in recent weeks. Two weeks ago, a Hindu mob burned a Christian
missionary and his two minor sons to death in the same region and last week
a nun was raped by 5 men.

: Does your religion encourage pillaging, rape, mayhem, murder? Is it fun?
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# Space probe on comet quest - Goodbye Earth: Stardust will return in 2006.
(BBC) The US Stardust spacecraft has blasted off from Cape Canaveral on a
seven-year mission to scoop dust from a distant comet. A gelful of scum -
see http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_274000/274494.stm

# Also: Chasing the comet
# Closing in on a comet
# Stardust Blasts Off - Comet Chaser Will Gather Cosmic Dust

: What comets do alien motherships hide behind? What comets would you chase?
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*** Hallucinogen study suspended. BOSTON (AP) A US agency has suspended con-
troversial psychosis studies after it came under fire for using a powerful
hallucinogen on healthy volunteers and mentally ill patients. NIMH has
suspended tests on ketamine, known on the streets as "Special K." See

: Would you volunteer for hallucinogen tests? Does LSD bother your implant?
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@ Demon Dream: http://www.wondersmith.com/dreams/study.htm]
@ International Space Station: http://www.spacestation.com
# Hunting Bible sites: www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,30010022,00.html
@ Ancient Astronauts: http://www.south2nd.org
@ Paleo-SETI Research: http://www.aas-ra.org
@ IN SEARCH OF: http://www.in-search-of.com
$ Planetary Mysteries: http://www.planetarymysteries.com
@ Archaeology etc: http://www.m-m.org/jz/sphinxlinks1.html
# Multi-calendars: http://www.panix.com/~wlinden/calendar.shtml
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"Edmond waited, then, immediately, waited again." --Donald Smyth

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