-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/7/03 2:23:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:



You and Ruppert, who appear to walk in lockstep, have repeatedly tried to characterize disagreements with the government of Israel as sly attacks on "the Jews," as anti-Semitic.  In fact this campaign on your part sometimes seems to be the dominant theme of your agenda.  This puts you squarely in the same camp with the Israeli government, AIPAC, Mossad, the ADL and a host of other related and interlocking organizations, some of which conduct clandestine political activities on the Internet.  Everyone is free to draw their own conclusions about your behavior -- I know quite a few bright minds who made a decision on this matter a long time ago.

Again, you put words in my mouth and actions that I do not do. More of your typical slander and disparagement. I have said all along that I beleive that the whole German/Jewish dialectic was set-up in the late 1700's to bloom later on. Basically a hatrack for dissension. Sides to choose. You say this puts me in the Israeli "camp." I disagree, I see the whole Israeli "thing" as a tarbaby act and dog and pony show for the complete hat trick/hoodwink.. again, you always have some anonymous "bright" supporters to disparage me, hunh Mcfraud? Does that make anybody who agrees with me "not bright?"

I should point out that Mike Ruppert seems to have modified his views gradually.  He began by attacking anyone who explored the Israeli angle on 911 as being an "anti-Semite."  Since then I have seen him be much more open-minded, reasonable and factual on Israeli issues.  I also think he is raising some important questions about peak oil. 


But there is this: isn't it a fact that Ruppert strongly supported Delmart Vreeland, someone who tried to disseminate to the world a forged letter blaming Iraq for 911?  That raises all kinds of red flags.  That forged letter brought to mind the forged note which tried to blame the 911 anthrax attacks on anti-Semitic Muslims.  One is also reminded of the fact that the neocons tried to pin 911 on Iraq from day it occurred.


There are a few puzzling issues here:


1. Who owns this list?

What difference does that make?


2. Does William Shannon moderate the list?  How did he come to moderate the list?



3. Do you approve of the views and editorial point of view of William Shannon?

It is not for me to approve of his views. Mr. Will Shannon has shown by his actions to be an honorable human being. (More than I can say for you.)
He is an editor, he brings viewpoints to the table.

4. Isn't it true that Shannon has posted many hundreds of documents in this list that are highly critical of Israel?  Most of his contributions are quite solid and valuable, but I have never seen you complain about those posts.

I wasn't complaining about your post, I just posted a comment about the bit that you highlighted in the begining of your post of an article. You have expanded the "engagement." At least you can tell your boss that there has been "engagement." Bye McFraud, remember you have no credibility, you are McFraud, particpant in the shameless use of forged email to try hijack the CIA-Drug list among other actions. I am no fan of Israel, or the actions going on in the Middle East. Personally, I think Jerusalem should be a sovereign international secular city municipality with arrangements of accommodation for all faiths.




Things just aren't adding up here.

Some see, Some hear,
Some live in the dark and fear.

And from that come all things.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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