-Caveat Lector-

Maya – JFK Assassination?

According to the Warren Commission regarding the case of the JFK assassination, President John F. Kennedy was killed by a single gunman. On Friday, November 22nd 1963 at 12:30pm CST (Central Standard Time). The President  was riding in an open limousine through Dallas, Texas and the President  was shot in the head and neck by a sniper. He was then taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Later, police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine, at a nearby theater. By the next morning, Oswald was booked for the murder of President John F. Kennedy. Two days later, Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, while he was being moved from the city to the county jail.

OK, countless words and many conspiracy theories surround the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

So to yet another conspiracy, where those who are following the ‘Maya Plan’ did organize and murder the 35th President of the United States of America.

Now when I take the Maya unit at 3.4744 feet and decrease to 3.474400e-03 feet and squared once and reciprocated and divided into six parts it is 13,806.67548 days, and divided by 365.2420 days is 37.80144529 years.

And day 253, and divided by 365.2420 days + 2001 that is September 11th 2001.6926912.

And deduct from September 11th 2001 the 37.80144529 years is 1963.891246 and this is 1963 + 0.891246 years x 365.2420 days is 325.52047 days, that is 12:29:33pm Friday, November 22nd 1963.

So one could say a reasonable result for yet another contrived conspiracy theory where the ‘Maya Planners’ did it.

And of course I have no clue has to who such a nefarious group are.




 United States of Maya

 OK, I am not into conspiracy theories that much, but I do what I do most days, is to think about the day's articles, items and letters. This often means a very different mixture to consider each day, most of which are discarded.

And I read that some Elite are following the ‘Maya Plan’ and a plan I can only guess at, like suggesting it is to do with the New World Order as ‘advertised on the Masonic symbolized one dollar bill, and comes into effect on say December 21st -22nd 2012, the end the Maya’s ‘Age of the Jaguar’ after their Long Count of 1,872,000 days (13 periods of 144,000 days).

And one equatorial revolution of the Sun is 28.4 Earth days. And 2,840,000 days /Pi + 2,840,000 days is the Maya Long Count at 1,872,000.038 + 1,872,000.038 days.

And the truncated pyramid shown not only the one dollar bill but also the Great Seal of the United States of America, makes me think of the four triangular sides covering of the Great Pyramid, that is the ‘Shroud’ at 924,500 square feet.

And so I have the Sun day, which forms the Maya Long Count at 28.4 Earth days and multiplied by the ‘Shroud’ at 924,5000 square feet x Pi and /1,000,000 is the open sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid at 82.485028 cubic feet, (Flinders-Petrie gives it as 82.48540 cubic feet a rather infinitesimal difference of 0.00040 cubic feet, or difference in the height of the sarcophagus of 41.31 inches compared to 41.30980 inches). So I say that it seems reasonable that the Great Pyramid, once called ‘Ta Khut’ the ‘Light’ and clothed in some 144,000 white casing stones, and area related to the Sun’s time thus forms the very number written into the volume of the open sarcophagus.

And now to show how the open sarcophagus is contrived in the area of the United States of America. So to the map people Bancroft and Co who published their ‘The New Bancroft World Atlas’ and under the section ‘United States of America (U.S.A)’ and on the very first line of text writes the ‘Federal Republic – area 3,615,221 square miles’. (And Washington D.C. is given as 69 square miles).

So I need to change the area of the United States as square miles into the Maya’s unit of 3.4744 feet (nearly 1.0590 meters).

First I take one Sun day at 28.4 Earth days per revolution and increased to 2.840000e+54 and /6 and square root twice and divided /Pi is 8.349143004e+12 square Maya units.

And then I take the Shroud at 924,500 square feet and increase to 9.2450000e+50 x 2 and square root is 4.30000e+25 x 16 and square root and /Pi is 8.34919004e+12 square Maya units.

So the average area is 8.349166520e+12 square Maya units at 3.4744 feet per unit, is equivalent to 3,615,221.49 square miles, the area published for that of the United States (+ 0.49 square miles).

Imagine that, the very important Maya people of Central America had a measurement rod that can form and fashion Sun time and Pyramid’s covering out of the area of the United States, which together offers up the number written into the volume of the open sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the very same Pyramid.

Thus the United States ‘Maya measurement-wise’ can be called the ‘Land of the Sarcophagus’ the ‘Land of Death’.

So I suggest the ‘Maya Plan’ needs to be considered, for surely it cannot simply be my own number contrivance that consistently does this kind of calculation and many others.


The Maya (Isis – Horus) Pentagon

“The Pentagon—a building, institution, and symbol—was conceived at the request of Brigadier General Brehon B. Sommervell, Chief of the Construction Division of the Office of the Quartermaster General, on a weekend in mid-July 1941. The purpose was to provide a temporary solution to the War Department’s critical shortage of space. The groundbreaking ceremony took place on September 11, 1941. The building was dedicated on January 15, 1943, nearly 16 months to the day after the groundbreaking.” Official website.

The Pentagon’s length of each outer wall 921 feet, and the height of the building is 77 feet 3.5 inches.

So the quick easy area of the Pentagon is found by using the multiplier 1.7205.

So 921 x 921 feet x 1.7205 is 1,459,398.6 square feet.

And the area using the Maya unit 3.4744 feet is 120,896.650 square Maya units.

And 120,896.650 square Maya units x 120,896.650 is equivalent to the Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis at 58,000 x the ‘Eye of Horus’ at 126,000 x 2.

Thus the Maya Pentagon is that of Isis and her son Horus.

Or as the Bible speaks of 1,260 days as ‘time, times and half a time’ then the Queen of Heaven is controlling ‘Time’ so to speak.

 (And the American Dollar Bills since 1929 are 2.61 inches deep, and 2.610000e+08 x 7 and x 8 and square root is 120,896.650)


The Roman Pentagon

I repeat the Pentagon’s length of each outer wall 921 feet, and the height of the building is 77 feet 3.5 inches.

 So 921 x 921 feet x 1.7205 x 77.292 feet is 24 times 4,700,000 cubic feet.

And the Papal State, the Holy See, the Vatican, has an area of just under 108 acres at 4,700,000 square feet.

So the Queen of Heaven is now seated inside her very Pentagon.

Surely, I am making this up?


John DM
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