-Caveat Lector-

Appeals court rules U.S. encryption policy unconstitutional

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


SAN FRANCISCO (May 6, 1999 6:31 p.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Government limits on the export of computer
encryption codes is a violation of freedom of expression, a federal appeals
court ruled Thursday.

The ruling is a blow to the Clinton administration, which limits exports of the
most powerful encryption technology, which scrambles data to prevent
eavesdropping, because it fears law enforcement agencies won't be able
to read the messages of criminals or terrorists.

But the high-tech industry wants relaxed restrictions so it can take full
advantage of the booming market for encryption programs as Internet
commerce increases.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, upholding a lower-court ruling, said
encryption codes contain expressions of ideas and cannot be suppressed
indefinitely by government officials.

"Cryptographers use source code to express their scientific ideas in much
the same way that mathematicians use equations or economists use
graphs," Judge Betty Fletcher wrote in the 2-1 ruling.

An industry group applauded the ruling.

"It's a giant step forward in bringing down export controls," said Tara
Lemmey, president of the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Francisco.

The decision upheld the 1996 ruling in the case of Daniel Bernstein, an
Illinois mathematics professor who wanted to post his encryption formula
on the Internet.

Fletcher wrote that Bernstein and other scientists "have been effectively
chilled from engaging in valuable scientific expression."

A dissenting judge said computer code is more like conduct than speech. It
was not clear whether the ruling would permit the dissemination of all
encryption codes.

The ruling declares the regulations invalid in the nation's largest federal
appellate circuit, which covers nine Western states. The 6th U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals in Cincinnati is preparing to review another judge's ruling
upholding the same regulations.

The departments of Justice and Commerce, which reviews encryption
licenses, had no comment.

"I do not expect that this battle is over," said Bernstein's lawyer, Cindy
Cohn. But she said the ruling was "a huge, giant step along the road so that
the government can't prevent people from developing this tool, this

Bernstein, now at the University of Illinois at Chicago, developed an
encryption program called Snuffle as an undergraduate at the University of
California at Berkeley in 1990.

Two years later, the State Department, which then ran the regulatory
program, told him he could not post his code on the Internet without an
export license, which he has been unable to get.

The Clinton administration recently liberalized its rules to allow encryption
of some electronically posted credit card information. But in most cases,
the regulations still treat encryption codes like military weapons and forbid
their export without a
Steve Wingate

California Director


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