-Caveat Lector-

On 4 Jun 99, , M.A. wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
>       There's always a certain percentage of the population that
>       is unable to work for a variety of physical/psychological
>       reasons...disabilities, mental health problems, etc.
> MJ:
> Does this provide them with a 'special right' to steal from others
> or have their agent do so for them?  As to 'healthcare' ... getting
> the government OUT of all facets will reduce the costs to 5-10%
> of current ... restrict Government to its Constitutional limitations
> and one effectively doubles their income ... this provides MORE
> resources which go farther to those who would prefer to spend other
> people's money on their pet causes -- in other words, this allows
> people to put THEIR money where their mouth is.

What you're not talking about is corruption---corruption in the insurance industry,
corruption in the medical industry (at the top levels of the AMA). These guys are so
powerful that everyone does "get out of their way," thus enabling them to take the
lion's share and leave a pittance for real "health care." All the monies for health 
are already in richly lined private pockets. It is corruption in government that 
allows this
sick situation to continue. If it got any "freer", actual doctors and hospitals would 
absolutely zilch and the insurance guys and the very top of the medical profession
would laugh all the way to the bank while all the rest of us died in the streets. 
this is already happening. The insurance companies--to keep their profits high--are
closing down and "merging" one hospital after another. Your tax dollars are going into
the pockets of these guys...not to pay for health care for the poor. Get real.


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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