-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990910a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No glorious martyrs were resurrected during production of this bulletin.
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# FRANCE MAY BAN SCIENTOLOGY. France is considering banning the Church of
  Scientology, which it regards as a sect rather than a religion. The
  Justice Minister, Elisabeth Guigou, made it clear that the future of the
  organisation in France was under close scrutiny. Her remarks came as US
  officials expressed concern over the growing intolerance shown to minority
  religious groups in some European countries. Scientologist bribes raise
  US official sensitivity: http://www.sightings.com/politics4/france.htm

: How powerful is your belief system? Over what political structures do you
hold sway? Do other belief systems & political structures fear/despise you?
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  off the Santa Rosa Diocese, opening the local Catholic administration to
  national scrutiny in the face of a far-flung scandal involving allegations
  of embezzlement, sexual misconduct, and a role in a billion dollars worth
  of coverups. http://www.metroactive.com/sonoma/hellraiser-9936.html

# REFORM SCHOOL - Scandals move church activists to push for radical changes
  in clergy. Recent headlines have trumpeted what seems like a never-ending
  parade of Catholic bishops, priests, and lay clergy entangled in shocking
  sexual misconduct cases with men, women, and children. Catholicism is "a
  culture of collusion." Why can't a 2,000-year-old institution with a
  billion faithful figure out how to clean up its act? Here's an idea: Get
  rid of the celibacy mandate. Or ordain women as priests. Or talk openly
  about sex. http://www.metroactive.com/sonoma/hellraiser2-9936.html

: Is your belief system manipulative, exploitative, self-protecting? Are all
belief systems and hierarchies? How much do you spend on cover-ups? Where??
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@ YOU EVOLVE AS LIGHT. So the light source which you are leaves in teleport-
  ation at the death of the body and then moves quickly seeking another body
  to nest in. But as you do you take with you feelings and degrees of evolu-
  tion. You hover and then are drawn to another female body and you enter
  in and nest in another fetus. That fetus is filled with chromosomes and
  genetics but now you have evolved as light to a higher degree and you
  can make a difference in this body where you could not make a difference
  before. http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/light.html#EVOLVE

: Have you been reincarnated lately? Into what? Do you make a difference? Do
you teleport often? If you're dead, how can you evolve? Do you have a body?
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# PRAYING LEFT: While the Religious Right has been getting all the press,
  progressive Christians apply the lessons of the Bible to social activism:

# What happens when the Age of Aquarius meets Jesus Christ Superstar?

: What's your favorite dominant heresy in Xianity? Has your belief system
factionalized much lately? Are you a foot-soldier of the culture wars? Why?
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# Neurotic urban princess converted by Burning Man (Salon) Millennial
  Brigadoon - The annual Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert
  invents a hyper-real space, a republic of drugs, nudity and spectacle.

# Goth teens want to form school-approved Wiccan Club. Put the
  trenchcoats back in the closet, kids; your timing isn't right.

: What's your favorite counterculture? D'ya prefer wearing a trenchcoat, a
sari, a button-down suit, a bike outfit, nothing? What're y'r fave drugs??
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# Art as Human Sashimi. LINZ, Austria. Once again the boundaries of art
  were pushed at Ars Electronica, where the Plastinator and fluorescent-
  dog man provoked thought and elicited stares. Are you trans-human yet?

: Have you been sliced'n'diced, injected with fluorescent dyes & glowtubes,
rewired, reprogrammed, rebuilt? What's your favorite rebuild? Are you art?
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  REALITY. There is currently a world takeover attempt being done under the
  guise of the UN, NATO and many of our world leaders. It's called the New
  World Order. FEMA is building concentration camps on American soil as we
  speak. To divert the public it is called Globalism by mainstream media.
  The UN & NATO are quickly taking over sovereignty of every country around
  the world. This takeover attempt could take place before Jan 1 2000 due to
  the WW3 * Y2K * Martial Law Crisis. http://realtime.net/~dream/news.html

: Have you seen any invisible soldiers lately? Ae you building concentration
camps? Are you taking over the world? Are the Reptilioids helping you? How?
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# The Spies Who Came in from the Cold. (ABC) They used to spy on each other.
  Now they're just talking. Aging Cold War spies gather in Berlin to relive
  their careers in the once-divided city. Declassified documents, timeline:

: Have you spied on anyone lately? Is anyone spying on you? Have you stopped
spying? Really? Are you spreading disinformation? Is everything a lie? Why?
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@ Gulf War Syndrome - Biological Warfare Conducted on U.S. Military Members,
  and Corporate Bio-Genocide Levied on the Planetary Population. Yes, the US
  provided the biologicals to Saddam Hussein that were used on our troops.
  Our troops are sick and they are dying. http://all-natural.com/riley.html

: Have you waged biowar? Where did you get y'r supplies? How did you finance
y'r operations? Have you supplied biowar materials? Where? Is it profitable?
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  "Beards must be SHAPED. It requires a certain precision. Bleary-eyed
   in the morning, I'd rather just brute-force my face into hairless
   smoothness. It's easier. Beardists are into shaping, which is further
   proof of my theory that all beardists are shape-shifters, or at least
   werewolves, in disguise." --WILY COYOTE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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