-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

China army ready to smash Taiwan "splittists"

Updated 2:40 AM ET March 6, 2000

BEIJING, March 6 (Reuters) - China's military kept up the
rhetoric against Taiwan on Monday ahead of the island's
presidential election, with the main army newspaper saying troops
were ready to "resolutely smash" any move towards independence.

"Taiwan independence means war," blared the headline of a
front-page commentary in the Liberation Army Daily, echoing a
phrase used by a top Chinese general in a speech to parliament on

Central Military Commission vice-chairman Zhang Wannian said
independence forces in Taiwan were "walking ever further down the
road towards splitting the motherland."

The Liberation Army Daily said the military were ready for battle
to prevent such an outcome.

"The millions of soldiers of the People's Liberation Army stand
in full battle array and on high alert against Taiwan
independence and splittist forces," the commentary said.

It repeated a threat issued in a policy white paper last month
that China would use military force if the island dragged its
heels indefinitely on reunification talks.

Previously, Beijing had threatened to attack Taiwan only if it
declared independence or if it was invaded by foreign forces.

"We will adopt any measures to resolutely smash any scheme to
split China, and then realise the total reunification of the
motherland," the army newspaper said.

Taiwan is holding a hotly contested presidential election on
March 18 in which one of the three front-runners, Chen Shui-bian,
is the standard-bearer for a party that espouses independence.

Taiwan independence featured as a major issue at the opening of
the National People's Congress in Beijing on Sunday, with Premier
Zhu Rongji warning China would not "sit idly by" and watch
attempts by Taiwan to break away from the mainland.

On Saturday, President Jiang Zemin threatened "drastic measures"
if Taiwan delayed reunification talks indefinitely.

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