Dalai Lama Responsible For Rape, Cannibalism, Murder, Says Beijing


BEIJING, Jun 1, 2000 -- (Reuters <http://www.reuters.com>) China Wednesday
launched a vitriolic attack against exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the
Dalai Lama, accusing him and his followers of rape, murder and child

The official Xinhua news agency quoted the Tibet Daily as saying the Dalai
Lama, while still in Tibet, had presided over a system that was "the most
gloomy, cruel, and uncultured in the history of mankind".

The commentary, harshly worded even by Chinese standards, comes ahead of the
50-year anniversary of China's October 1950 invasion of Tibet, which spelt
the beginning of the end of the Dalai Lama's rule.

The commentary depicted Tibetan society under the Dalai Lama as an
antiquated feudal system where monks and nobles acted as dictators and serfs
were traded and were "usually cruelly tortured or killed".

During an insurgency against Chinese rule in 1959, "aimed to protect feudal
serfdom", the Dalai Lama and his followers committed crimes ranging from
temple looting to rape and killings, according to the commentary.

In one instance, they cut open the belly of a nine-year-old boy, ate his
heart, chopped him to pieces, and had the body parts hung from a tree, it

The rebellion ended in failure and led to the Dalai Lama's decision to flee
Tibet and go into exile.

He now lives with 100,000 followers in Dharamsala, India, and has become a
high-profile figure on the international stage, advocating a greater degree
of autonomy for the Tibetan people.

The Tibet Daily commentary argued that even in exile the Dalai Lama has
continued to do damage to his nation and prevented its development, seeking
to stop aid to Tibet offered by the World Bank and governments in the
developed world.

This shows the threat posed to basic human rights by separatist activities,
the commentary argued.

The Dalai Lama is now the "head of overseas separatist forces, a tool of
western anti-China forces and the arch criminal who splits the motherland",
the commentary concluded.

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