Weel, Nicky, I'm glad to see that the idea of "fake" abductions done by the military 
(and no doubt some "intelligence agencies" as well) is something you will readily 
agree is taking place.
The fact that some are then allows the next question, that is, if SOME are definitely 
this, and we have some circumstantial evidence for, then why not ALL cases of REAL 
(ie; not the result of hallucination, mind control induced, hypnotic induced, mental 
aberration, false memory, etc.) abduction are done by the military? (I'm not 
necessarily saying they all are, but it is a legitimate question that logically 
You always have some fascinating things to say about alien bases and genetic 
experimentation and hybrid creatures.  I would just love to see some real evidence for 
what you have posted here, it would be the conspiracy to end all conspiracies for 
sure.  Since there is no real evidence for it, we must just look at it all as 
speculation by "army officer X", or some "covert warrior" who now wants to come clean, 
Until I see something substantial that is evidence for some of thse fantastic ideas I 
would rather believe that the military and intelligence agencies in this country and 
throughout the world are using the "alien" and UFO phenomenon as covers for black 
operation programs.  UFO-like craft for drug shipment?  Abductions for genetic 
experimentation, that would be highly illegal and unethical if done in the open?  Mind 
control experimentation?  Implantation?  Trauma based programming?
Genetic sequencing for the purpose of developing biological weapons?  The truth of 
what is going on will probably never be known for sure, but the best bets, and the 
best odds are on the solution that has bad old evil HUMAN BEINGS behind it all, and 
the only aliens are ones wearing rubber suits or created in computer imagery.
Please by all means keep us posted with the latest speculation in these areas, but let 
it reamin speculation and not the recitation of fact.

On Sat, 03 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:

> Well Tenebroust,
> I think we can safely say that American abductions could sometimes be the
> military because they sometimes pretend they are aliens by using virtual
> reality scenarios. But the American govt did build about 50 bases for the
> greys which was done by Rand Corp. I'll find the info. English people seldom
> get abducted by greys according to a UK UFO mag. Abductees in US have gone
> underground to both grey and military bases..
> According to Branton, there are even more greys under Los Alamos than even
> under Dulce, a major nesting area going back to native American times. He
> has heard of an area near Los Alamos where the Feds bring huge shipments of
> cattle for picking up by grey ships on an almost daily basis. It is a
> forrested area southwest of Los Alamos where pictograms of 'aliens' exist.
> So the aliens have been in that area long before the atom-jacks came in.
> Also setting off nuclear blasts burns away the membrane between this
> dimension and the next which would allow any interdimensional entities easy
> access to our dimension. There is apparently more Ets seen in Nevada than
> some other places possibly due to the nuclear bombs.
> Other people in other countries have been abducted and people have seen them
> rising bodily into the air and going into space ships.In South America there
> are many stories of this. In Mexico there is a video of about 60 UFOs
> appearing in the sky at once when there was big crowd. Many hundreds saw
> them and videotaped them. Others in US have seen their partner sliding out
> of the window from their bed and rising into the air out into the sky. There
> was story about the UN Sec, prev to this one in his car watching a woman
> float out of her highrise apartment in NY and into a spaceship. This story
> is well known. A couple of Govt agents got in touch with the woman and she
> told them, where she went as she remembered.
> Nicky
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tenebroust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sunday, 4 June 2000 05:02
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE:
> Nicky; No one can say whether someone was abducted by aliens or if the thing
> was induced, especially from a thrid party point examination.  That is the
> whole point.  IF the experience CAN be induced, and you admit it can, then
> this is a logical explanation which requires no aliens at all.  On the other
> hand the idea that "aliens" ARE abducting people just as these experiencers
> say they are that cannot be refuted completely, thus it remains a
> On Thu, 01 June 2000, Nicky Molloy wrote:
> >
> > Sorry June its pointless talking further, eg how do we know you aren't a
> > agent? It obvious if you were you may know more for a start on this
> subject
> > instead of turning this into a psychological exercise in belief
> systems..As
> > for you saying I have dogma. All I said is I'm a Christian and nothing
> else,
> > the rest is your 'belief system' you so gladly promote.
> >
> > Nicky wrote:
> > >I guess you want proof of underground Et bases too?
> >
> > June wrote:
> > >>Yes.  Anything less is just opinion and belief, a subjective
> > interpretation
> > of limited data.  ETs are only one of many possibilities, not the only
> one.
> >
> >
> > Now for the next hurdle -
> >
> > Nessie do you think some theorists like M Persinger have any more value
> than
> > those who have personally experienced Ets? Why trust anybody who is
> sitting
> > reading books on this subject and comparing an abductee experience to an
> > induced one. Sure listen to the guy but he knows no more about the
> 'reality'
> > of it than June who hasn't read much at all on this. But we do 'believe'
> > from others who have seen throught he deception that the US military are
> > faking alien abductions so they can abduct people. But there are geniune
> > abductions because people ahve travelled in spaceships and gone to other
> > planets and brought back souvenirs. Alec Newald being one.
> > Neither person, theorist or ignorant, can tell without being a personal
> > witness at the time if someone's abduction occurred. So if one person who
> > hasn't personally been abducted, comments on another's experience then
> they
> > actually know nothing about it.
> >
> > Reasons being-
> > 1 They have read too many books including disinfo so can't decide truth.
> > 2.They have had drugs and think reality can't be deciphered properly
> because
> > they can't remember what it is like to have a clear mind anymore, so think
> > everyone else is as confused.
> > 3.They have no firm beliefs and can't perceive another's point of view.
> > 4.They see a scientific explanation for everything and are not able to
> > decipher the complexity of other dimensions and a person's direct
> experience
> > of them.
> > 5. They are unable to see beyond themselves to be objective about Earth
> and
> > its manifold off planet guided expressions of evolution to perfection.
> >
> > Nicky
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [CTRL] UFO EVIDENCE:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> > >what different things do you think the UFOs are?
> >
> >
> >
> > See: http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/15.html
> >
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