-Caveat Lector-

June, I believe the BSA are fully prepared to get along without the very
small federal funding they receive.   Think that was understood before
taking this stand.    It is a pittance!  Guess it is better spent on lost
Mars probes, etc.  Scouting is about self-reliance and they will just have
to work a little harder.  One local troop here makes enough off their
Christmas tree sales to sponsor  a few families Christmas Charities and
often a new Cub den.  I have every confidence they can make it without this
very minor subsidy.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Keep the Homophobes Out of Our Discussion

> -Caveat Lector-
> From: "Mike Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > What part of the word PUBLIC do you fail to understand June? The BSA may
> > a private institution as such. And be that as it may, the members
> > are still comprised of the PUBLIC.
> When members of the public join together in a PRIVATE, exclusionary group,
they are no longer members of the
> public at large, but private citizens congregating in a private group.  As
such, they have no right to expect
> the public to foot their bill.
> > Now June, reread definitions 1a, 2a & 2c, 3a, 5 & 6a
> I suggest YOU reread it, because if those definitions applied to the BSA,
then ALL members of the public would
> have to be allowed to be members, and that means homosexuals, atheists,
satanists, whatever.
> Would you suggest that the Freemasons, or the Hibernians, or the Catholic
or Satanist churches, or gay
> activist groups, receive public funds and the use of public facilities?
They are all made up of members of
> the public, also.
> > Now do you get it?
> I've always gotten it.  You obviously don't.
> June

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