-Caveat Lector-

<SNIP> blah blah <snip>

> When they get the free use of public facilities, such as public schools,
then it costs the public money.
> If they wish to continue to utilize public facilities for their meetings,
let them pay rent like other PRIVATE
> organizations do.

To the best of my knowledge schools are publically funded however the
buildings themselves are not public as such.
Every "public" school I've ever been in has very prominent signs to the
effect of:
" Visitors must report to the office. Trespassers will be prosecuted"

How does one trespass on public property? You can't.

Therefore in a public school it is called public because members of the
public may attend it. But as I illustrate with
the example of the school sign previously, the edifice itself is not a
public place.

My complaints about the demonization of the BSA is about the TRUE public
places. Take Nat'l parks for example,
they are truly public.... not pseudo-public like a public school. That's
what gets my ire up. I could care less about any
schools that quit supporting the BSA. That's their preogative.

> > On another note, have you ever looked at your manners when you refer to
> > people as homophobes?
> > First of all phobias are mental illness.
> You got it.
> > To imagine you have the audacity to infer anyone who contradicts
> > your lesbian/homo  slant...err   RANT....
> Whatever slant/rant I have is not 'lesbian/home', since I'm straight...

That's what I was hoping.... now do yourself and the rest of us a big favor.
Go get laid.

Mike Smith

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