-Caveat Lector-

From: "Mike Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I suggest YOU reread it, because if those definitions applied to the BSA,
>> then ALL members of the public would have to be allowed to be members,
>> and that means homosexuals, atheists, satanists, whatever.
> Yes yes.... but they DON'T!. So you may as well quit that annoying sniveling
> about it and get on with life.
> They are private...so what?

Then the BSA and its homophobe supporters should stop their own sniveling when various 
public agencies decide
to no longer allow the BSA to utilize public facilities (such as public schools) for 
its meetings, or when the
United Way decides to cut funding, due to the BSA's exclusionary policies.

As a private organization, the BSA can do whatever it wants, and that is fine.  They 
just can't expect me and
other U.S. citizens as taxpayers to help fund it.

> I'd really like to read you describe one single dollar the BSA receives from
> the public coffers. Donations don't count.

When they get the free use of public facilities, such as public schools, then it costs 
the public money.

If they wish to continue to utilize public facilities for their meetings, let them pay 
rent like other PRIVATE
organizations do.

> Better yet, can you name one single public facility those
> aforementioned groups are BARRED from thereby causing this inequality and
> predjudice you so zealously work to overcome?

The 'aforementioned' groups would not be barred from using public facilities for free 
if they were not

> Why is it that Satanists, Neo-Nazi's, The Black Panthers et alia should be
> granted the use of Main Street USA to parade down but not the BSA?

If the BSA has a parade permit, they have as much right to march down Main Street as 
any other group who is
granted a parade permit.  But we are not talking about a parade once a year.  We're 
talking allowing the BSA
to hold weekly meetings in local schools, and the long whining that is arising over 
the fact that certain
municipalities are now denying the BSA the free use of local public schools to hold 
their weekly meetings.

> On another note, have you ever looked at your manners when you refer to
> people as homophobes?
> First of all phobias are mental illness.

You got it.

> To imagine you have the audacity to infer anyone who contradicts
> your lesbian/homo  slant...err   RANT....

Whatever slant/rant I have is not 'lesbian/home', since I'm straight...

But it's par for the course for homophobes like you to label everyone who disagrees 
with you as 'one of

> To disagree means I'm afraid, paraniod and cowering of homosexual men!

No, in your case it just means you haven't come out of the closet yet.


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