-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: alleged oil shortage---aint funny

From: Puck in Nevada, a simple explanation-
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: alleged oil shortage---aint funny

> I gotta put in my 2 cents worth about what I have picked
> up on this along the way about this alleged oil shortage.
> First, I once was aquainted with a petroleum geologist.
> Retired now, and lost track of him long ago, but he had
> some very interesting observations on oil supply. Keeping
> in mind that he had worked all over the world for Standard
> Oil, including Saudi, West Texas and our Gulf Coast, he
> made the following observations and statements.
> There is more oil under the US than the entire Persian
> Gulf. We literally have a glut of oil reserves.  During the
> alleged oil shortage of the mid-70's, he told me that many
> wells they drilled in West Texas were good producers,
> but capped and declared as dusters on paper. I can't see
> where he would have any reason to lie to me.
> During the 70's, I helped my younger sister do a school
> term paper on the alleged oil shortage. My statistical basis
> was the Wall Street Journal's daily published numbers on
> total imported crude vs. domestic refinery production. It
> was there for the world to see if they cared to look, but
> our domestic PROVDA and ISVESTIA chose to ignore
> this glaring and ugly discrepency.
> The fact is, barrels of imported crude remainded stable
> but domestic refinery production dropped to zip.  This
> clearly proves that the alleged "shortage" was a conspiracy
> by the oil companies to create a false shortage.  When
> gasoline station waiting lines became hours long and the
> oil companies hiked the price of gasoline from 33 cents a
> gallon to $1.33 a gallon, which the frustrated public was now
> happy to pay, viola! we suddenly has gasoline coming out
> of our ears.
> To reinforce my belief of the fraud being perpetrated, I
> once knew the Claude S. Brinnegar family.  At the time he
> was a Union Oil of California EVP, then appointed as
> Nixon's Secretary of Transportation just before the alleged
> oil shortage. Beginning to see the connection?
> Did you know that Mobil Oil bought the controlling interest
> in Montgomery Ward IN CASH from their windfall price
> gouging profits?
> Then in about 1988, I made another astounding discovery
> via inquiry to my then Nevada congressman, Walter Bearing.
> NONE of our Alaska oil is used for domestic consumption.
> Every single drop of it is exported, mainly to Japan. The
> alleged reason for this is due to the fact that the EPA has
> declared that the Alaskan oil has too high a sulphur content
> for domestic use (acetic).
> We are exporting premium Oklahoma crude, instead of
> being used for domestic production---and at the same time
> importing OPEC crude.  What the hell is going on here?
> WHY are we exporting oil when we are allegedly having
> such an oil shortage. Something smells very rotten here.
> That little gem should be enough to cause our easterners
> to want to burn the white house for fuel this coming winter,
> if they only knew the truth.
> Gore supported and sponsored the sale of our "archaic"
> strategic naval oil reserves when, as I write this, many of our
> naval vessels are dead in the water for want of steaming fuel.
> Billy Bob and his administration welcomed this latest 'oil
> shortage' so that dead-beat debtor oil producing nations
> could repay us with windfall profits. A real cute  little fraud.
> We get to pay off the foreign debts for them by being raped
> at the gasoline pump.
> One such debtor nation, Iran, instead of repaying us, is
> spending the windfall profits to develop ICBMS to point at us.
> Mexico---several hundred miles away, is sitting on a glut
> of oil but stated, A.  they don't want to offend OPEC and,
> B.  they don't have the ability to move the oil anyhow.
> Answer:  A.  SCREW OPEC!  B. We have a fleet of
> corporate and private 18 wheeler tankers that is mind
> boggling. We could be importing millions of barrels of crude
> a day, if Slick leaned on the Mexicans and we got those
> trucks rolling.
> I can see the sense in preserving our own reserves and
> buying foreign as long as the market is there, but I can not
> see exporting our premium Okie crude at the same time
> the industry is crying oil shortage. Industry greed and
> dirty politics rule supreme!
> End rant.
> Puck

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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