-Caveat Lector-

>Duncan Roads sometimes brings many of the problems upon himself by
>his somewhat combatative attitude. I eventually banned him from IUFO
>because he contributed to so many incidents especially with his attack on
>soy products, and on vegetarians who believed that soy is beneficial to
>health if eaten in moderation. He often accused some us of being under the
>control of the agrobusiness (ADM, etc.) and accused me of basically being
>an ogre etc.

Well that is one side of the story.  The other side is that several list
readers, especially the owner, Steve himself, took exception that someone
dared to provide proof that soya products are not all that they are
cracked up to be.

For the record Steve kicked me off for daring to keep questioning why soy
products were 'off topic'.  For some reason, list members are not allowed
to question what is 'off topic' or what is 'on topic'.  I received a
stern emailed warning about this important issue!  My 'removal' was
protested by some of Steve's own moderators at the time, and many list
members privately emailed me saying that they thought Steve was acting
very unfairly on personal grudge.  I had already been 'warned' to 'roll
over and don't criticise Steve' by other list members.  As you gather, I
ignored them and got kicked off.  I was not overly aggro, Steve was, and
anyone who cares to read the records can see that we both acted like two
school-kids in a sandpit.

Steve would post inflamatory remarks about my posts and vice versa, until
finally he could take it no longer.  Since Steve Wingate is God in his
list-kingdom he removed a challenge to his 'authority'.

>He is probably really a nice guy who has become somewhat jaded and
>hardened by the attacks on his publication which often has controversial
>conspiracy-based points of view, many of which I agree with. Many of us
>know how easily this can happen. ;-|
>Be kind to him.

At least they don't kick people off here for taking up challenging
positions to the moderator.

But, on the plus side, at least I had the opportunity to get into brass
tack details on the subject at hand (even if it was off topic in my
opinion - I mean-Soy Health being discussed on a UFO list?).
Steve certainly did not draw away from the issue at hand, unlike some of
the cockroaches on this list who just smear instead of debate.

For what it is worth, as much as I think Steve acted in a juvenile
fashion by removing my dissenting voice, I admire people like Steve, who,
despite their idiosyncracies, get off their butts and make a difference
in the world.


And Steve, to this day we get lots of people from all around the world
contacting us, thanking us for alerting them to what was causing their
ill health.  The number of personal testimonies is ongoing evidence that
soy products are causing major health problems amongst many many people.

Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
http://www.nexusmagazine.com      ICQ#62399259

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

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