-Caveat Lector-

I have thought for a while now that the UK is the real test of where america
will be ina few years. For the UK is pretty much subjugated.
The sham devolved parliaments are pushing through the most ridiculous
legislation that with all due respect to the NWO doubters - I can see the
basis for on the Christain Alert Network websites.
Now I am neither american or the kind of christian that would be welcome in
the new age but I do see quite clearly that the UK is further ahead of the
NWO agenda than the USA - the reason has to be obvious - the citizens of the
states are armed - and the levels of outrage appear to be well mediated - as
far as I can tell - and that isn't very far.
The way that UK  gay issues were forced through and rejected, then forced
through again and rejected then forced through again, and private but legal
referendums against promotion of gays were rejected, the referendum sponsor
financially hit on the stock market - the overwhelming will of the people
was to reject gay reform BUT Tony stood up in parliament and said that WE
want this legislation to go through - Who Was WE ??? the House of Lords
rejected his pro homosexual agenda twice. the public opinion was also
clearly against.
It turns out that there were warehouses  FULL of Homosexual Schoolbooks
waiting for distribution in schools
I agree with Aleisha when he says that it is actively being promoted - for
there are gay icons on primetime UK TV showing donkeys and naked men - using
gay slang - illustrating gay lifestyles -
the reason for this as far as I can tell is that if the normal means of
reproduction are subverted - the state simply takes control of manufacturing
people by cloning.

there is another element involved however - and it has to be the darkening
of innocence - the cult of daemonic horror adventure young tv shows eg.
Buffy , star trek - the demons fly ships - hybrid bestiality either with a
space suit or with a witch - kids are being desensitised and alienated from
their older parental values -
This whilst the lie of empowerment of youth is promoted - appealing to every
rebellious child - self determination - eg. spy kids, spice girls, britney
speirs, adventure tv and cinema has kids and slight young women knocking out
7 foot massive stormtroopers with one punch of the wrist etc
in the UK young children are being made more and more aware of their
'sexuality' by the sordid promotions of pop culture - many being sold
addictive alcoholic lemonade and highly strong caffeine drinks.

lacking in social skills being buried in VDUs, hyperactive with sugar and
additives they are drugged up with ritalin and turned into dumb data
gatherers by the Outcomes based Education system - which incidently does not
favour the young man - it favours feminine psychology.
In the UK young males were found to be falling way behind in this new how do
you feel schooling - for the male psychology is better able to prepare for
and take risks and tests and challenges - there simply is no risk for the
male psychology to handle in this feminine based education  which is about
feeling good and continual assessment with less risk .- OBE.

Everywhere we look - we see the ascendancy of the matriarch - women on
women - clones to order - the invincible goddess - but who or what is
pulling the strings - who is preying on the young male and female casualties
of this schooling ??????????????????????????

andrew hennessey

> I have never seen sodomy on tv, and it is certainly not being taught in
> schools.
> Steve
> On 3 Jun 01, at 16:03, Aleisha Saba wrote:
> > Turn on your TV today and see sodomy and in schools teaching of sodomy
> > to little elemtary children.
> >>

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