-Caveat Lector-

So, you're enough of an intelligentsia to KNOW that another needs
"pshychological help."

    You "believe" she is holed up, in a corner, and know of her lifestyle.
Maybe, using your magnificent insight, you can tell us all just HOW,
simultaneously, ALL of these "gay" programs, financial support,
"governor's task forces", blind eyes by teachers and administrations,
gay clubs, cirricula, hatred of straights, major corporation withdrawal
of financial support for boy scouts and other straight groups, parades,
gay pride rodeos, came suddenly into being. Just happenstance, perhaps?

    Just normal consequences of living? No outside influence, no support,
it JUST HAPPENED? No AGENDA on the part of any controlling entity?
We're psychotic because we see what we see?  Within 2 years, EVERY
TV sitcom has it's one or more gay plots and  major characters...
What are you, NUTS??

    YOU, my strange one, are either blind, or a very upset one of them
posting flames at someone you know absolutely nothing about,
or MOST LIKELY a typical, rude abusive DISRUPTER to this group.

    I suspect the latter.  You're not the first, probably not the last, but
your intent and methods are typical.  Maybe you'd care to offer an
explanation as to why no crimes by gays against straights make it into
the newspapers.  Just happened, I guess. Normal roll of the dice.
No influence anywhere.

    And you, my strange one, appear far more psycho than the person
you railed against. From your writings, it would appear that YOU are
the one who is mentally unstable.

Knock off your gay agenda - I don't want to see it.  Blast yourself into
your own past.  There's a fine bunch of folks here who could do without
your tirades regarding anyone's opinions of the gay deluge all around us,
but speaking for me, I'd like to see you put an egg in your shoe, and beat it!

You ARE the weakest link!     c

Good bye......

Nate Fischer wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> Amelia, you need to seek pshychological help.  I believe that you are holed
> up in a ball in the corner with fear that homosexuals are outside your door
> waiting to "sanitize" your clearly missionary lifestyle.
> You are truly mentally unstable.
> -

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