-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Hennessey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] More of Gay Pride

> -Caveat Lector-
> > > The Clause28 issue in the UK  which said that clause 28 was sufficient
> to
> > > police abuse of gender issues in schools was to be repealed by the new
> > > scottish parliamnent in favour of legislation that made it possible to
> > > actively promote homosexual issues.
> >
> > you are wrong and your political angle on this is the same one that
> > tried to mislead the scottish people . the repeal does not allow the
> > promotion of homosexuality- it allows it to be talked about in council
> > institutions- including schools and libraries.
> It was NEVER DISALLOWED PRIOR to the repeal of this clause
> it just wasn't adequately operated
> the clause actually could
> > have prevented people's
> By PEOPLE you really mean very young children -
>  access to literature that could be considered
> > "promoting" homosexuality- and that in effect means that any literature
> that
> > states in any way that homosexuality is ok could be banned.
> well don't worry it isn't banned any more -
> I said before that there is a big difference between hormone based gender
> and artificial homosexual psychology -
> given what we all know on how easy it is to PROGRAMME the human mind
> any pervert with an agenda can cause a problem in schools - ie. hetero and
> homo
> so thats especially why in my opinion the topic of sex needs careful
> handling
> and the safeguards in place were legally OK - though badly operated.
> Now we have the same people who badly operated a fair sex policy now
> operating a biased homosexual policy - and in your opinion does that mean
> that perverts are going to find it difficult to start bending minds and
> gender ?
> >
> >  Almost the entire population was against
> > > it
> >
> > oh really? LOL
> >
> > but the parliament would not listen and the politicians Refused to act.
> > > Brian Soutar Bus Tycoon funded a Private Referendum - which the gay in
> > > charge of the electoral office would not ratify
> >
> > you are being silly now andrew and it devalues any argument that you may
> > have. tell me who this gay is in fact and show me evidence that he is 1/
> gay
> > and 2/ corrupt and compromised by his sexuality.
> don't play games with me - I don't need the credibility - there was
> absolutely NO REASON
> why the electoral office should disallow the legitimacy of a public
> referendum -
> If that doesn't cmpromise the operation of democracy what did - perhaps
> intolerable arrogance of the scottish parliament that implemented the
> agenda
> in full knowledge that almost the entire country was against them.
> and in England the House of Lords threw the Bill out twice and still Blair
> wants to force it
> through.
>  (look to portillo's vote
> > against the reduction in the age of gay consent for a comparable ethical
> > decision made by a man with gay experiinces)
> a reduction in the age of gay consent - you're talking like you're
> here -
> there are no men and women in these classrooms - just vulnerable kids
> > show me- or shut your little bigoted mouth, k? :)
> Some of my best friends are gay and I'm big burly bastard

oh dear, of course your gay friends would be delighted and supportive of
your comments i take it? and andrew, it was not a comment about your
physical largeness, rather it referred to your intellectual smallness. ahem.
you are a homophobe thus your comments are not really answerable because you
ignore the facts of the matter because of misplaced political or emotional
motivations. for instance- you say the "entire country" voted but yet the
figures disagree.
sent out- 3970712
voted for retaining- 1094440
(souter's own figures)
that isn't even a majority. it was a majority of votes cast but supporters
of repeal would not participate and there was no campaigning- the advice
was- don't even participate. the majority chose not to participate. many
didn't even recieve ballots.
why is the phrase "age of consent" sounding like i am cruising? and why are
you obsessed with bringing children into the discussion? creepy. the age of
consent vote which portillo voted against even though he has had positive
gay experiences was not anything to do with children- it was to bring the
age of consent in line with heterosexual age of consent- 16. is that such a
strange thing? really? and in the classroom we are talking about "children"
of the ages up to 18 possibly- should they not have access in their library
to information?

your determind suggestion that their was some kind of "gay" blocking
democracy truly gives away your ignorance- because, andy, you don't have to
be gay to fight homophobia.

oh yeah, you said

"difference between hormone based gender and artificial homosexual

you're teasing me , right? *wink*

> >  - a supposedly unbiased
> > > agency that oversaw democracy all over the world would not let the
> people
> > > legitimately vote in a private and legal mass referendum.
> >
> > we have a government to make decisions- referendums are only called by
> > people unhappy at the elected governmnet's decisions. and anyway,
> > we didn't need a referendum to have the clause in the first place- it
> wasn't
> > public pressure that lobbied for the clause, was it?
> You're in a STATE OF DENIAL - the entire country Voted by overwhelming
> lose the progay crap - it wasn't a few dissidents it was the ENTIRE
> > oh but do tell how many people voted.
> > and you just ignore that private polls made by individuals tend to only
> > completed by the people who support the referendum because there is no
> legal
> > backing for the poll. opponents of the private poll recommended
> > the polling slips. forget also that approx 1 million homes did not get
> > voting slips. that is in a population of 6 millionish!
> The parliament of scotland had a poll of course - the gays in the scottish
> parliament
> got in touch with the gays in san fransico and the gays in australia and
> used the
> internet to overwhelm the democratic process in scotland by creating FALSE
> from names supplied by people who were clearly not citizens of the UK or
> even on
> the electoral register.
> >  an overwhelming
> > > majority were in favour of keeping the clause - the parliament ignored
> > that
> > > and passed the progay legislation.#
> > >
> andrew hennessey
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