-Caveat Lector-

> > > sent out- 3970712
> > > voted for retaining- 1094440
> > > (souter's own figures)
> >
> > More people voted against the gays than would normally vote at
> > what does that tell you ???
> show me the supporting evidence for your claim. show me the stats, boy
If you disallow my information sources - which was the media -
how could you possibly allow any other evidence ?? by the same token

at this point the discussion goes the way of 'how can we believe anything'
because no evidence I would present would be acceptable -
fine we've run the length of the thread

Clause 28 did not need to be removed - it just needed to be operated better
so that sex and gender issues could be discussed they were not - but
clause 28 kept a barrier in place that averted promotion of a gay agenda
Its you that is the victim of gayurban myth if you believe that clause 28
needed to go
in order to give homosexuality a 'fair deal'

Your opinion is that its ok to teach kids anything - fine
and my opinion is that it isn't

> show me the evidence that it happened before section 28.   you won't find
> any evidence to back up your spurious claim

Homosexual issues were given little chance but that had nothing to do
with the clause28 legislation - it had evrything to do with the poorly
run education system

> > Portillo is a creep with no bearing on this thread - we're talking
> > about forcing homosexual issues onto VERY YOUNG unready minds here -
> > not some teenager making life choices
> why are we talking about children? who ever mentioned them except
> homophobes?  CLAUSE28=CHILDREN
The whole clause 28 issue is about children -
if you don't want to discuss the future of children WHY BOTHER ARGUE AT ALL
Why are we talking then about a second rate british politician
I think Portillo has absolutely no bearing on the clause 28 discussion
clause 28 pertains to sex issues at school and also teaching the value of
christian marriage

> show me more details of this. i am not sure if i believe anything you say-
> need references here, andy baby.

so i'm not only a homophobe but a liar ???? that isn't my style
you couldn't invent anything as bizarre as the truth

san fransico gays helped make progay legislation in scotland - it happened.

The scottish daily record, the scottish parliament [or the souter website]
published this -  I'm happy with the sources on this ocassion - YOU are NOT

to you i'm a lying homophobe

I will say again that although the daily record is a tabloid - it wanted to
against an entirely hostile establishment which was also blocking the
process - IT HAD NO REASON TO LIE - for LIES would be weapons in the hands
of the opponents - On this occassion at least - the Tabloid had to have got
it right.

 > show me evidence of even one single gay schoolbook. just one.

you want to dispute the published facts and put the onus on me
to reresearch published facts - maybe even buy a book ?
if you want to play mind games - you show me the evidence that there
wasn't warehouses FULL of  gay schoolbooks for young children.

andrew hennessey
homo sapien sp

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