-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Hennessey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

> -Caveat Lector-
> you clever cunning fiend you - mr/ms C
> you only try to win arguments by quoting 'quality' newspapers
> ie, those run by reuters, murdoch et al

ok- playtime- tell me which sources i have quoted from, cause, mibbe you are
correct- mibbe i did quote from a murdocjh paper. don't think so- in recent
days it has been from the register and from the bbc. oh and the gaurdian
possibly. but please correct me if i am wrong.

 - and al as well as clive from MI5
> have always got a big say in what goes into the pap they print in
> papers.

so... you like tabloids then- oh yeah i remember now- you mentioned reading
the daily record LOL

> for instance look at the way you battle against me for credibility, - bad
> move and quoting statistics out of context -

all stats given to you have been specific and in context. but please show me
where i have been outof context.

> you don't attack my opinions - only my character

say what? oh i am sorry andrew- i don't remember this at all- please refresh
my memory.

> and babbling on [if I'm rude to you back I'm a homophobe]

i have been specific when i have claimed you are homophobic-
misrepresentation of news stories was the last one i think.

and being rude to
> me
> continually about nothing in particular.

no - rude to you very particularly

> Your mission should you choose to accept it is to talk shite about the
> arguments I present

doing ok on your own- as this posting of yours attests.

and sound enthusiastic about gay right wing politicians

i am enthusiastic about anyone in a position to give the elected government
a good challenge in the commons. and i said as much at the time. and this is
curious, andy, why should i NOT be enthusiastic aboout a right wing gay
politician? you just finished saying that i am always responding to your
well presented arguments by accusing you of homophobia- and then a couple of
lines down you insinuate that i should NOT be enthusiastic about a gay
politician LOL

> and illuminati ideologies

er, when?

 and little children.[you said you had 3]

don't remember that at all. i have one kid.

> well since you have decided to combat me using flames,

don't be a hypocrite


tell me one lie i have told to support my arguments. just one and i will
retract. cause i am big enough. i can be wrong at times but not a liar- and
i challenge you to retract the allegation. if you can.

 and by
> continually taking my wonderful opinions out of context

this is why i think you are not serious in your posts- but sadcases like
bill and saba are taking you seriously. what a laugh.

 - I am going to let
> the list know - and break the unwritten rule of nutters in doing so

just what is the unwritten rule of nutters?

- I am
> going to say the unspeakable - the totally unthinkable - I am going to
> away even more - any pretension, intention and extension towards
> appearances - just like YOU do - and I'm going to call you an Agent
> for her majesties right wing security services

ouch :)
consider me outed- congratulations- you have seen thru my cunning veneer of
mundanity to see the sparkling 007 type guyi really am. cool.

 - who incidently are big
> poofs

well- at last we know you aren't homophobic, uh? or good at making sweeping
illinformed generalizations that have no chance at all of ever being
correct. cool.

 and I can prove it - yep thats right - 'I get twitchy' if anybody
> disagrees
> with me - absolutely wide open to that accusation eh ? well not anybody -
> just you - I'm very suspicious of you - for all your communications are
> hostile and defamatory and personal


> well I've lived a saintly life as a decent charitable tolerant gentleman

mmm i have seen your picture and you ain't old enough to be considered a
gentleman andrew. i think "kid" or "adolescent" maybe more accurate.

> you are
> the first person who has ever gone to a lot of trouble to paint me black

not according to my sources i amn't

> and because I have self respect - I know that you are a hateful liar and
> heterophobe

 so, i hate myself, sure, good call, andy

> but I know your type - you love being devious
> and I can help you - honestly -
>  I personally know of some people in the
> Black Ops Unit that programme Special Forces to be big Queens so that they
> can be more 'efficient' - the SAS with handbags - call me a liar ducky and
> I'll personally give you her/his phone number

liar liar your hair's on fire.
see the problem is that some people take you seriously when you are just
having a laugh mosta the time.

-  researched at great expense
> and I'll try to make sure that you go on exploring your feminine side down
> in Norwich and Bungay - you and Lilith, and the High priest/ess of the
> of Isis and their bunch of spooky amazonian miscreants still on 'active'
> service for Her majesties NWO.
> all they seem to do is spend their time worshipping Lilith and checking
> each others back entrance
> give my love and kisses to the boys
> andrew
> >

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