-Caveat Lector-

> all stats given to you have been specific and in context. but please show
> where i have been outof context.
you used a figure of 2% cattle cull to Refute my argument that the
agricultural industry was wiped out.
the assertion you made implicit in the stat was that there were tons and
tons of livestock still alive so how could it be possible that the
agriculture industry was wiped out.
That stat did not address or Refute my contention at all - 2%+ dead maybe -
but the DISRUPTION to the agricultural Infrastructure - the quarantine -
lack of market access and mobility - the extreme cost of fuel and it is
undeniably extreme in a european context - other imposed euro laws on the
production and processing of food, and constraints on agriculture produced
by the grants and funding process, generally the high cost of living
rural protest movements - farmers committing suicide - all of these things
support my contention that the agricultural industry is in Extreme Crisis -
and in that context your attempt to refute me with 2% cattle dead doesn't

on [if I'm rude to you back I'm a homophobe]
> i have been specific when i have claimed you are homophobic-
> misrepresentation of news stories was the last one i think.

you never heard the news story on radio that i was talking about you cannot
get radio forth in aberdeen
> >
> > and illuminati ideologies
> er, when?

the exposition of the joys of Lilith is an illuminati ideology

> tell me one lie i have told to support my arguments. just one and i will
> retract. cause i am big enough. i can be wrong at times but not a liar-
> i challenge you to retract the allegation. if you can.
it was discussed all over the place- but the content of the discussion was
not anything like you suggested in your mail- it was discussion derived from
the news item i subsequently posted because some other list member thought
you were telling the truth.

You call me a liar when I report what was discussed on radio forth thats
your accusation
above there from a previous post - YOU NEVER HEARD THE BROADCAST I REPORTED
so on what rational basis - what factual basis do YOU have to contradict ME
with ???
do you have a transcript of the programme or have people just got to take
word for it
credibility wars eh ??
your differing opinions and my differing opinions cannot simply just live
side by side
you're on the attack - you're making war - making personal comments,
search and destroy - take me to your reader.

> mmm i have seen your picture and you ain't old enough to be considered a
> gentleman andrew. i think "kid" or "adolescent" maybe more accurate.

thats a lie and you know it but why should i care about that - you simply
don't have the education to take me on. hundreds have tried and failed,
and claimed expenses for it.

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