-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> >It's not because Jews were Nazis. Pssst.
> >Jews didn't really like the Nazis.
> > J2
> "The Nazis" are not a people.

But people are are Nazis. German people, Dutch people, Hungarian people,
Ukrainian people, French people, Croatian people, Vatican people, and some
American people.

> Nazism tranascends race, religion
> and nationality. The modern state of Israel is tracking towards
> Nazism (of course it is not the only country doing this).

This is bullshit. Prove that it's Nazism. Nazism and not something else.

> Too many
> Israeli's have a Nazi mentality towards the Palestinians

You don't know ' too many Israelis '. I'll bet that you don't know any
Israelis. Am I wrong?

> - they
> consider the Palestinians an inferior people: racially, culturally,
> religiously, economically, etc. They have become the Pre WWII
> European Slavs according to the German Nazi mindset.

What the hell are you talking about? You could say that they have become
like Europeans in America, or Belgians in the Congo, or the English in
Australia, or the Japanese in Korea. You could say all of these things
just as easily. But you would still be full of shit. Why? Because all
the above murdered millions. And the Israelis did not. Even though they
could choose to do so anytime.

> This is the classic mindset of Nationalist Nazis who justify those whose
> land they want to steal by dehumanizing them. Too many Israeli's see arab
> land as "natural expansion territory" or in other words "lebenstraum." Once
> you dehumanize a group, it is much easier to kill them.

That's a valid description of some groups' behavior. But what was this
behavior called BEFORE Nazism? Surely the Nazis didn't invent it. So why
would you assign it to Israelis as Nazism? Don't bother. I know the answer.

> How did the Nazis take control in Germany? By convincing the German
> people that they were their only salvation...that Germany was besieged
> on all sides by enemies out to destroy Germany (of course the Nazis
> did everything in their power to provoke social disruption and cause a
> self fulfilling prophecy). The Israeli Nazis have done a masterful job in
> silencing and cowing the majority in Israeli that is not Nazi minded by
> provoking the Palestinians and bringing about their own self fullfilling
> prophecy.

And by this theory, the Palestinians have no responsibility at all because
the Israeli/Nazis made them do it. Listen buddy. You are not dealing with
beer swilling trailer trash here. Israelis are highly educated and VERY
politically sophisticated as a group. There are dozens, DOZENS of news papers
printed every day which cover the entire political spectrum from extreme Left
to extreme Right.

These people made a fair attempt at reconciliation with the Palestinians
and the Palestinians were too stupid to realize their opportunity to get
ahead. After this the Israeli public understood that there is no point to
dicking around with the Palestinians any more. No Fuhrer brainwashed them.
On the contrary, all the propaganda organs were for the continuation of the
Oslo sham. They voted in Sharon because they want an end to the bullshit
and violence of the local Arabs. This was a free, informed democratic choice
which the Israelis will live with and the Palestinians will not.

Your Nazi analogy is not applicable. All you do is show your ignorance when
you try to intellectualize your bigotry. You might impress the likes of
Shannon, Yardbird, Prudy, and Looneybird Saba, but that's not much.

> As long as Israelis allow the tail to wag the dog by permitting the Settler
> Colonialists to dictate policy, the only future for Israel is increasing
> militarization and nazification. A national bunker and self destructive
> mentality.

The Israelis will win. The Israelis will do what it takes.

> It is clear that the current Israeli policy is to commit continuing atrocities
> against the Palestinians and to provoke them into an escalating  "terror
> bombing" ("terrorist bombing" is bombing by people rather then multi milliion
> dollar helicopters, M-60 tanks, and F16's) campaign against Israel so Sharon
> can justify an invasion of the Palestinian land and commit mass murder
> terror against the Palestinian civilian population thereby reducing them
> to submissive peonage.

Then it would be a DAMN good idea for the Palestinians not to fall for it eh?
All they have to do to stop the inevitable is to stop killing Jews. Simple.

> Part of Sharon's campaign has already succeeded.
> Any Palestinian political force for moderation has been effectively destroyed
> by Sharon's blatant terrorist (aka "targeted assassination) attacks against
> mainly Palestinian civilians and politicians.

You don't know what the hell your talking about. You don't even know the names
of these people, much less their political beliefs as " moderates." You are
SO full of shit.

Israelis are Nazis, and Hamas are Moderates. Who can take you seriously. You
are a joke. You've been taking Poly Sci classes from Professor Saba.

> The Israeli Nazi types worse fear is a "deal" that would disband the
> Settler Colonialist outposts in return for an internationally guaranteed
> peace treaty. The Mitchell Solution is anathema to the Sharon Gang.

You bet it is. Never happen. The Mitchel " Solution " is Oslo Redux. As for
the Settlements as colonial outposts, I would remind you that is was General
Arik Sharon who went in and dismantled the settlements in the Sinai in order
to return the land ( for peace )to Egypt. Now Egypt is wavering on that deal.
You can bet the Israelis won't make that mistake again.

> Can Jews be Nazis? Of course. The old Nazis are laughing from their
> graves or their wheelchairs in South America...the victims have
> become the oppressors.

How do you know this? Do you know any old Nazis? What are their addresses?
Inquiring minds want to know.

> Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
> flw

Then you should pay better attention.


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