-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Saba wrote:
>All these tunnels - IF there were exposives at lower level of World
>Trade Center and I believe there were explosives for just once I saw a
>building put down with demolition team - it is as if they just melt down
>and fall.....

The WTC towers fell from the top down -- pancaked as they were designed
to do under such conditions; they did not topple from the bottom up...

That said, I tend to believe there WERE explosives planted on the lower
level garage...same thing as in 1993, vans full of explosives parked in
the WTC garage...I base this on many eyewitness reports that have been
shown on local NYC news....

I don't think the lower level explosives were designed to take the
buildings down...they had found out in 1993 that that was impossible to
do in such a manner...but it WOULD cause further terror and mayhem, as
evacuees suddenly found they couldn't get down to the ground floor...
and rescue units and firemen couldn't reach upper levels...

It was designed to maximize casualties...what the terrorists didn't count
on is the backlash that would ensue due to this, that countries that in
the past had been their allies, or at least indifferent, are now weighing
in with support of the U.S. and pledges to aid us...

Pakistan today suddenly reversed itself, and pledged that they would
share with U.S. intelligence all information that they have on bin

Seems that the fact that 260 Pakistani nationals lost their lives in the
twin towers collapse had something to do with Pakistan changing its
attitude towards the U.S....


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