-Caveat Lector-

> > you can't do that. what about the neighbours who *are* good tax
> > paying
> > citizens? i don't care much about the life of the non taxpayer
> > either [the
> > individual who refuses to "do his share" and fund the state is
> > worse than
> > the individual who merely lives off it, imo] but fires spread,
> > dude..
> thanks for showing your true colors...we should all do our share to
> rule the world, incarcerate american political prisoners, conduct
> widespread chemical and psychological ops on americans...subjugate
> third world nations in the name of doritos...i had no idea you were
> such slime

well, i'm a canadian; thus i live in a civilized country and need not worry
about such things.

in an ideal system, such as that in canada, japan or sweden, taxes
are......well, taxes are what enable us to create such a superior system of
government and earn the title "best country in the world" year after year.
taxes give us "free" health care, "free" roads, non-privatized utilities as
well as the usual police and fire departments.

but that's just the beginning. our immense tax system, *the* largest in the
world, creates an informed public - seeming as most of us hand over most of
what we make, we're damn sure to keep an eye on what is being spent. this
means that, due to public pressure, our military recieves very little
funding while our health care system recieves the vast bulk of the yearly
budget; the reason the left wing[liberal] party keeps winning elections
every election is because the right keeps hinting at moves towards
privatisation/americanism, obviously under pressure from phizer, et al.
every time the right has tried to [sneakily] implement something like this
[ie. mike harris] they get chased out of office and their decisions are
overturned. *this* is democracy *working* - and it's all because we pay such
high taxes.

now, as far as an american goes, i'm not entirely sure what exactly it is
that your taxes pay for; your health system is run at a profit and your
roads are run by tolls. i assume the vast bulk of money flowing out of your
government *must* end up exchanged for some sort of weapon; regardless, i
believe part of it ends up in social security packages and other weak steps
the united states has taken to join the civilized world. *regardless*, the
problem here is *not* that you *do* pay taxes; it's what your taxes pay
*for*. the obvious proof here is that every country superior to yours is run
on a high tax model; and that these high taxes have forced the government to
become more accountable to the citizens, thus curbing the abuses you speak

now, if you don't like what your taxes are paying for, might i suggest
actively bitching about it? organizing rallies, protests, etc; if i was an
american i would most likely feel the same and i am sure there are thousands
out there that do feel similar. democracy does not work through quiet
withdrawl into your own pretend universe; it does not work through fraud,
cheating and lying ; it works through honesty, openness and a lot of hard
fucking work. so if you don't like something then go out and fix it.

but realize that, as long as you not only refuse to be a productive member
of the whole but actively hoard your contributions, the whole owes you
absolutely nothing; not even your worthless, isolated, selfish life.



"sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism" - huey
"there ought to be limits to freedom" - george w. bush
"if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator." - george w. bush

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