-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Man on the Run" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> BF>I get the point.  I really cannot understand why you would find me
> more offensive than the Nazis and Stalinists who post on this list.  I
> really find that strange.  As far as the stratues that Ashcroft covered,
> I honestly have not seen them and perhaps they are "art" and not
> pornography (like David, Renoir, etc.) but I would say that, even if so,
> it is best not to broadcast them on prime time in the context given.  It
> is subjective, but remember that we are not talking about censorship but
> a decision that Ashcroft has made with his personal space.

But, the thing is, nobody else ever seemed to have a problem with it, even
people more prudish than Ashcroft. And the DOJ is not Ashcroft's "personal
space," even though he might see it that way.

> I support
> it, as we are not talking about PBS art programs, where the context is
> clear.  We are talking about a context where I think that female or male
> nudity is not appropriate.

Again, this was never a problem before now, not even for Ed Meese ... and the
statue has been there since the 1930s.

> Do you really believe that the Department of
> Justice is where you want to appreciate the joy of the human body?
> Ylgghhh...
>     Outright pornography is exactly what I said it was.  I stand by what
> I said.  Disagree all you want, but it is the truth.  If you do not
> believe that violent and vulgar exploitation of the human body and
> denial of women's rights are evil then we have nothing to really
> discuss.

Give me a break! "Violent and vulgar exploitation of the human body?" You really
need to get a clue, Bates, or at least take a look at the statue for yourself.
Do you find Michaelangelo's David to be offensive?

"Denial of women's rights ..." What crap. Don't be an idiot.

- jt

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