-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
> From: Joshua Tinnin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Right, but a lot of films which are "in the can" and might not have made
> >to screen get retooled if an opportunity arises which might make them
> >profitable, such as a war.
> The thing is, none of these films were sitting around 'in the
> Hawk Down", "We Were Soldiers", etc., were all made within the past 2 to 3
> years and were planned to be released in the fall of 2001 and
> of 2002...

OK, fair enough - didn't know that. But it might be interesting to see a
complete list of films made during that same time which were slated for
release now and which didn't make it to the screen. What I am saying is
this - war films are being made on a fairly consistent basis, and sometimes
they do sit around waiting for an opportunity for the public to receive them
favorably. It might just be a coincidence that these films happened to be
made around this time, and their release dates were fortuitous. Maybe ...

> >War films have always been popular.
> No they haven't.  At least, not films that show war in a favorable light;
> John Wayne had a hard time trying to make his pro-war films profitable in
> the late 1960s, because the viewing public was turning against the Vietnam
> War and wasn't in the mood to watch Wayne's simplistic jingoism...

Again, fair enough.

> And war films were definitely NOT popular prior to WWII; and they waned in
> popularity in the 1950s...so no, war films are NOT always popular, just as
> westerns aren't always popular or musicals or mysteries or monster films;
> genres go thru phases of popularity, waxing in popularity in one era and
> waning in popularity in another...

That is true, but since WWII, war films have waxed and waned in popularity,
never fully disappearing from screens altogether. Some pro, some con.

> >Your theory is an interesting one, and I tend to agree with you, having
> >thought about it myself. But there hasn't been much evidence at all to
> >suggest that these movies were all part of a "master plot" which resulted
> in
> >the attack on the WTC and our subsequent war, other than the timeline.
> Well of course there wouldn't be overt evidence, other than it being
> strange that Hollywood en masse decided in the late 1990s that pro-war
> themed films would suddenly become popular, and 'just happened' to start
> making these films so that their collective release would occur after
> 9/11/2001...

Yes, that's true. But, maybe, just maybe the people in Hollywood saw a
change coming in the party in power in the Oval Office. Certainly it's not
pure conjecture to see that, once Clinton's second term was up, the
Republican Party had a much better chance. With the right candidate, e.g.
someone other than Dubya, s/he might have been a shoo-in against Gore -
Colin Powell certainly would have been, maybe even Liddy Dole. And the
Republican Party, at least for the last 50 years or so, has promoted itself
as being utterly unafraid of going to war. That is not to say that the Dems
don't go to war, too, but they usually try not to promote themselves that
way. And what better to rev up a new party in power than with a brand new
war? Maybe these films were being made as a way to hedge bets in this

I'm not saying I disagree with you, because I don't - really just playing
devil's advocate.

> Again, none of these films were 'in the can'...they are recent creations
> whose releases were planned to occur starting in mid-autumn of 2001, and
> is THAT timing that is so suspicious...

Right, that is suspicious, agreed. ESPECIALLY a pro-American war film about
Somalia, where, oddly enough, we are sending special forces troops as we
speak. What a coincidence, eh?

- jt

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