Think this guy is really a Moslem and oh so many names.   Now for whom,
does this creep work?  Why is he so afraid to be shipped off to America?
He maintains he will return the same way he would be sent here - sounds
familiar, right?

This guy is no Muslim - this guy is just a hired killer like the others.
Now who kills in such a manner and who executes judgment in such a
manner.   Somehow I imagine Johnny Rosselli found in an oil drum off the
coast of Florida, legs chopped off he was custom fit to the barrel.   He
was to testify before the Assassination committee - now Hoffa's body
never was found, but Rosselli' surfaced.

But this man is AFRAID to come to America.   Why?   He has a big mouth
but even these poor programmed suicide bombes do not scream and yell -
for you see this man, this guy who used code name Rubaiya (righth out of
Rubaiyat) will be exposed for what he is.

But then it seems, have we as of late known anything good to come out of
England or Israel?   These two deserve each other - we do not.

And as for the TwinTowers?   Well Danny Pearl was the sacrificial
lamb.....ritual murder Hollywood style......strange not one person not
one Jew came forward and offered to pay his ransom.   Not one.  The so
powerful Wall Street Journal and Dow - not one dime....for nobody bought
Danny Pearl.

 Osama bin Laden pulled off the Twin Tower's Job?   Just ask - cui bono,
cui bono, cui bono?

This man whom they call "the mastermaind" looks like a fag or cross
dresser when you take good look at him but note ohis photographs have
been "touoched upon" and we are not permitted to see his face.....and
then we have John Walker Lindh with his phoney french accent and of
course this Reid - what the hell he is is something straight out of the
nut house...saba note)


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Pearl Kidnap Suspect Remanded, Threatens U.S.
March 12, 2002 07:34 AM ET
Email this articlePrinter friendly version   Reuters PhotoBy Aamir

KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) - The suspected mastermind of the kidnapping
of American reporter Daniel Pearl threatened on Tuesday to make the
United States pay dearly if he was extradited from Pakistan to face

British-born militant Ahmed Saeed Omar Sheikh, commonly known as Sheikh
Omar, had to be gagged by police as he emerged from a Pakistan remand
court shouting "Allahu Akbar" and "Down with America."
(What a bunch of crap here - whoever is picking up this guy's tab should
come up with something that is not so obviously overdone.....seems like
he takes the fall but will he lay himself doon and dee for his henchmen?
saba note)

Omar is accused by Pakistani authorities of organizing the kidnapping of
Pearl in January while The World Street Journal reporter was researching
a story on Islamic militants.

Although his body has never been found, his kidnappers released a
graphic video showing Pearl being murdered.

Washington wants Omar extradited to face charges in the U.S., but
Islamabad has said it will only consider the move once any Pakistan
trial was complete.

A defiant Omar threatened to make the United States pay if that

"Omar told the judge that if he is sent to the U.S., then he will return
back in the same way as he was returned from India," Raja Qureshi,
advocate-general for Sindh province, told reporters in the provincial
capital Karachi.
(Note the double talk here - the guy is sending message - saba note)

"He told the judge that America would suffer if he is extradited."

Sheikh Omar was freed from an Indian prison in 1999 along with two other
Islamic militants in exchange for the passengers of an Indian airliner
hijacked to the southern Afghan city of Kandahar.
Tuesday, the Karachi court remanded Sheikh Omar and another suspect,
Sheikh Adil, in police custody for a further 10 days. The two men are
among four suspects being held in connection with the case.

"The judge had granted further remand until March 22 and told the
prosecutors that it is the last remand he will grant," Khawaja Naveed,
the defense lawyer said.

As he left the court under heavy security, Sheikh Omar shouted "Allahu
Akbar (God is Greatest)" and "Down with America." Police then gagged him
and forced him toward an armored personnel carrier.

Sheikh Adil, Salman Saquib and Fahad
Naseem are accused of sending two email messages in January containing
photographs of Pearl being held hostage.

Police had earlier said they expected all four men to be formally
charged with involvement in the case, but Qureshi said he was seeking a
further remand to gather more evidence.

"Further investigation is required ... and expert evidence from the
(FBI) is also to be secured," Qureshi said.

"The dead body and its remains are also to be secured. Weapons of
offence are also required to be secured by the investigating agency," he
told reporters.
Pearl, the Journal's South Asia bureau chief, disappeared in Karachi on
Jan. 23 as he worked on stories about Islamic militants in Pakistan.

He is believed to have met Sheikh Omar the evening he disappeared,
according to witnesses.

Sheikh Omar shot to prominence in 1994 when Indian police arrested him,
accusing him of involvement in the kidnapping of four Western tourists
in India.

He seemed to have gone to ground after his release from India at the end
of 1999, only for his name to surface again in connection with Pearl's

Sheikh Omar was arrested on Feb. 12. He has been identified in
closed-door court hearings by a Pakistani journalist who briefly
assisted Pearl, and by a taxi driver who says he dropped the reporter
near a Karachi restaurant on the evening the reporter went missing.
(Big lie here - this guy turned himself in on February 5 and was held in
secret by the Pakistan police unknown to the FBI - saba note)

A videotape confirming Pearl's death was handed over to authorities in
Karachi last month, but it is unclear when or where he was killed. His
body has not been found.

A police official said experts had confirmed that the scenes shown in
the videotape were genuine and that Pearl was murdered, but said the
court would have to decide whether the film was admissible as evidence.

Among the seven suspects still on the run is Amjad Hussain Farooqi, who
police believe was another leading member of the kidnap gang.
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