-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

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Why war is now on the back burner
Bush is waiting until the 2004 elections are nearer to attack Iraq
Dan Plesch
Tuesday December 03 2002
The Guardian

President Bush may have put an invasion of Iraq on hold until it can best help his 
2004 re-election campaign. The administration would prefer to see change in Iraq by 
subtler means than 300,000 troops and mass bombing. He does not want to relive his 
father's experience of winning a war a year too early and finding that come the 
election the victory was forgotten or, worse, the post-war peace was turning sour.

Most observers focus on the perceived role of the Pentagon hawks versus State 
Department doves in the battle for influence over Bush. But his political advisers in 
the White House - especially Karl Rove - are far more influential. It was Rove who, in 
June, gave a presentation explaining that the war should be central to the 
Republicans' successful campaign to win control of both the House of Representatives 
and the Senate.

But it was also Rove who saw that voters were as frightened by the go-it-alone war 
talk as they were enthusiastic for a tough line on terrorism. It was this reading of 
voter concern that provided the boost for talks at the UN and produced much milder 
language from Bush. In Britain, we were told that it was Blair's September meeting 
with Bush and Cheney that changed things, however the need to win an election was far 
more influential in persuading Bush to be patient.

In Washington there are still some close to the Pentagon who see an invasion of Iraq 
coming soon. But a view shared by political strategists for the Democrats, veteran 
reporters and long-time Republican insiders was that all the signs are that the war is 
now on the back burner. Had the White House really wanted to, it would have used the 
victory in the midterm elections to force through a faster timeline on Iraq at the UN 
and would have increased the pay-offs needed to ensure its 15-0 approval by the 
security council. As it was, they agreed a process that can easily be spun out for a 

Then, almost as soon as the resolution passed, Iraq again fired on US and British 
planes. What happened? Nothing. There was no speeches declaring that Iraq had once 
again flouted the will of the international community and that we now had to go to 
war. Rather, we were reminded that our planes enforcing the no-fly zones were not 
covered by these UN resolutions, something that had strangely been left out of 
briefings these last 10 years.

If this was happening under Clinton, he would be under a howling attack from the right 
for wimpishness, something the Bush administration need not fear. Even if some in the 
government go to the media wanting a harder line, there is little they can do if the 
president fears an early war will damage his election chances. Delaying the invasion 
does not mean that Bush will not keep up the pressure and how Saddam reacts may yet 
trigger US action. A lot of the forces are in place but a major British force would 
need to be mobilised now for action early next year.

The deadlines of an Iraqi declaration of its weapons and the first UN report timed for 
February can all be spun on. Indeed that date in February is close to the onset of the 
hot weather when, we are told, it is too hot to fight. Conventional wisdom is that it 
is impossible to fight in the heat wearing a full chemical and biological protection 

Officials believe it unlikely that Saddam will be caught red-handed with his hands in 
a cauldron of toxins surrounded by missiles. The inspectors will have to make a 
judgment on a host of fragmentary and circumstantial evidence and it is likely that 
Britain and the US will have a different view from the rest.

With a dispute over evidence and a call for more inspections there may be an effort 
from Washington to apply more military pressure on Iraq through inspections backed by 
force, or even by using troops to capture suspected weapons sites. These troops would 
then be used to secure an airbase or two inside Iraq so that we end up with a gradual 
occupation backed up by the threat of air strikes if Saddam tries to move his forces.

Such an effort may be fitted into the next UN resolution. What will also be 
interesting to watch is whether the real multilateralists at the UN are better 
prepared to get concessions from the US on disarmament in exchange for disarming Iraq. 
Now that disarmament is back on the agenda we must ensure that it applies to not just 
to Bush's bad guys but to a global effort to manage and eliminate weapons of mass 

As we watch the saga of the inspectors unfold, remember Ronald Reagan's motto: always 
have a bad guy and if you get in trouble change the subject. Earlier this year Bush 
was in trouble for not catching the prime suspect in the war on terrorism and changed 
the subject and the bad guy from Bin Laden to Saddam. Any further massive attack from 
al-Qaida may trigger the mass distraction of an invasion of Iraq.

· Dan Plesch is a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute 
for Defence Studies


Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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