-Caveat Lector-

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Top 10 rules for survival
Cherie Blair might have avoided the pain of last night's public statement if she had 
learned from past scandals
Jonathan Freedland
Tuesday December 10 2002
The Guardian

We don't yet know if Cherie Blair's bravura performance last night has saved her 
future seat on the high court, but her entry into another kind of elite pantheon is 
already guaranteed. The last 10 days have earned the PM's wife a place in the 
ever-fattening textbook of political scandal. She is destined to join Peter Mandelson, 
Norman Lamont, Richard Nixon and, of course, Hillary Clinton in the bumper volume that 
records the disgrace, deserved and undeserved, that fate routinely heaps on public 
figures - and which is bursting with advice for future victims yet unknown.

It's a rich text, though a painfully repetitious one: the characters and storylines 
may change, but the same themes come through again and again. The only pity is that 
Mrs Blair didn't read the book before now. If she had, it might have spared her some 
agony. Here's a distilled version of its 10 key lessons.

 1. It's never the crime, it's always the cover-up.  This is the oldest lesson in the 
book, yet the world's prominent people never seem to learn it. Richard Nixon gave the 
masterclass 30 years ago: Watergate might have remained a "third-rate burglary," had 
the Nixon White House admitted it from the start. Instead the subsequent lies, 
deceptions and obstructions of justice produced the biggest scandal in US history.

Bill Clinton made the same error when he lied (under oath) about Monica: if he had 
'fessed up, it would have been embarrassing, but it would never have ended in 
impeachment. Likewise if Cherie had said 10 days ago, as soon as the Mail on Sunday 
got wind of Peter Foster and those Bristol flats, what she said last night, this story 
would have been dead on arrival: I'm not superwoman, I needed help, Carole Caplin came 
to the rescue and, yes, I made a mistake in believing her boyfriend was a reformed 
character. Fleet Street would have reached for the collective sick bag, but Cherie 
would have won.

 2. Get all the facts out in one go.  If Mrs Blair had disclosed everything in one 
shot, her pursuers would have had nowhere to go. Without a hunt for new, undisclosed 
facts a story soon dies. The folly of the alternative approach has been on display for 
10 straight days. In the absence of full disclosure, Cherie was submitted to the 
drip-drip-drip of daily revelation. All that does is prolong the agony. What's worse, 
the scandalee looks like he or she has something to hide, only admitting the truth 
when it's dragged out. Witness Cherie's admission yesterday that she looked up the 
name of Foster's trial judge: would she have said that if the Daily Mail were not 
about to publish it? By telling all, early on, the scandal victim keeps the initiative.

The instructive parallel here is the Whitewater affair which dogged the Clintons' 
first term. It could all have been prevented if the relevant papers had been released 
in a bloc, right at the start: Bill wanted to do that, Hillary said no. Cherie had the 
same instinct.

 3. Context and timing is all.  Scandals only blossom if the political climate is 
right. Judged on substance alone, the most serious scandal of the Blair period remains 
the Formula One affair, in which Labour took Bernie Eccelstone's cash and did a 
screaming u-turn to exempt the sport from the ban on tobacco advertising. Yet no heads 
rolled over that episode. That's because it broke in the autumn of 1997, when New 
Labour was still basking in a honeymoon glow. Voters had a positive view of Tony Blair 
which served as a protective shield: the revelations barely left a dent.

Now it's different. There is a mood of rising disaffection, unfocused perhaps, with 
this government which makes people willing to hear such negative talk. Impatience at 
public service reform, worry about a war on Iraq and anger over university top-up fees 
and firefighters' pay are all swirling around - making Labour vulnerable, particularly 
with its own supporters. This episode channels at least two elements of that fury. 
First, the Blairs are exposed as people with enough cash to buy two classy student 
flats, even as they consider charging parents big money to give their kids a 
university education. Second they have £500k to spend, even as they refuse the 
firefighters £30k a year.

 Labour defenders insist Cheriegate is a media invention, but the evidence, whether 
from public meetings or phone-in shows, suggests the episode has stirred some genuine 
anger. That may dissipate now that Cherie has appealed above the heads of the Daily 
Mail, directly to working mothers like her.

 4. Hypocrisy is always a killer.  The serial sex scandals of the Tory years hurt John 
Major because his "back to basics" campaign seemed to promise a different kind of 
morality. There is no comparable gap between rhetoric and reality here, but financial 
scandals always hurt Labour because of the vague sense that leaders of the party of 
equality should not be out for personal financial gain - and should not mix with 
hustlers. That damaged Harold Wilson in the 1970s and it has hurt the Blairs now.

 5. Know thine enemy.  It's not quite good enough for Cherie to claim she was doing 
what any normal person would do, trading favours with friends. She has had five years 
to get used to the super-scrutiny inflicted on the PM's family and to realise that 
they face an enemy that will ruthlessly expose any lapse. For Hillary, that was "the 
vast rightwing conspiracy" out to get her husband. For the Blairs the foe has been a 
vast right-wing press determined to chase out this government. With an enemy as fierce 
as that out there, Cherie should have   reached for her 50-foot bargepole the moment 
Foster appeared.

 6. Don't shaft your friends.  In January 2001 Peter Mandelson was forced from office 
because he had allowed the Downing Street press office inadvertently to "mislead" the 
press on his behalf. The implication was clear: the team will fight for you like 
tigers, but you've got to play straight. If your own side feels deceived they can't 
defend you - and, worse, they won't want to. By failing to tell all to the Downing 
Street press team Cherie lost a crucial ally.

 7. Scandals are not legal, they're political.  It doesn't help to have a defence 
which is technically accurate - "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" - if 
it does not deal with the political problem of perceived bad behaviour. The court of 
public opinion demands truthfulness in spirit as well as letter. Cherie's initial 
instinct, like the Clintons before her, was to offer a lawyer's defence. Yesterday she 
acted more like a politician - offering not a legal defence, but an emotional one.

 8. Guilt by association may not be fair, but it's real.  The hard truth is that 
people are judged by the company they keep. It wasn't Norman Lamont's fault that Miss 
Whiplash rented his basement, but some of her moral status rubbed off on him. Now 
Cherie is learning that even an email connection with a conman is a connection too far.

 9. When all else fails, make a personal statement.  Maybe we're all suckers, but 
there's nothing quite so effective as a personal appeal. Forget official statements 
and press officers, get up there and speak. Nixon did it in his "Checkers" TV address 
in the 1950s and Cherie did it just as brilliantly yesterday.

 10. Once you've survived a scandal, make yourself a promise: never again.


Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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