-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

"Cherie Blair has one of the sharpest legal brains in the country."

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

The court of Cherie
Long before the row over her links with a conman, Cherie Blair's eccentric pals were a 
source of concern in Downing Street. So why did she refuse to drop them? Libby Brooks 
Libby Brooks
Thursday December 05 2002
The Guardian

Soon after Labour's triumphant 1997 election, Alastair Campbell was greeted on arrival 
at Downing Street by a vision which promptly shattered his morning good cheer. 
Tripping down the stairs from the prime minister's private apartments was "lifestyle 
therapist" Carole Caplin, already recognised as one of Cherie Blair's most intimate 
advisers, and this week described variously as a former soft-porn model, an ex-member 
of the discredited 80s cult Exegesis and, of course, as the daughter of Sylvia, who 
has reputedly assisted Blair in her communications with the spirit world. Campbell 
wasted no time in making his concerns apparent. "What's that woman doing in here?" he 
barked, within Caplin's earshot. He was astounded that, following her elevation to the 
role of first lady, Blair had not conducted a serious re-evaluation of those she kept 
close to her.

The friction between the more colourful elements of Cherie Blair's entourage, and the 
more sober demands of her position, neither began nor ended with that morning 
encounter. But the unravelling allegations of this past week, which resulted in 
Blair's extraordinary statement yesterday - in which she admitted that Caplin's 
convicted fraudster partner, Peter Foster, had indeed helped broker the purchase of 
two flats in Bristol, despite previous denials - only hint at the significance of this 
key relationship.

"Cherie is completely emotionally dependent on Caplin," says a source (no one in the 
Blair's inner circle will go on the record on the subject of Cherie). "[Caplin] is the 
person who helps her in the one area of her life where she feels genuinely insecure - 
her appearance. In her relationship with Blair, she was always used to being the less 
attractive partner - she was the brains and he was the brawn. Suddenly she found 
herself being judged on completely different terms." Carole Caplin's role in managing 
this vulnerability has brought her into direct conflict with both Campbell and his 
partner, Fiona Millar, Blair's unofficial minder, who have regarded her as a political 
liability for many years. But Blair is a supremely loyal person and, even as the Mail 
on Sunday story was breaking last weekend, she was reportedly hosting Caplin at 

Cherie and Caplin first met when Caplin was running an exercise class at the Albany 
fitness centre in Regent's Park, London, long before her husband became prime 
minister. After Blair's election to leader, the pair became much closer, and Caplin 
has since been employed to advise on many aspects of dress, health and fitness, and is 
credited with introducing Blair to a number of alternative therapists. She has chosen 
clothes for Blair from the likes of Ronit Zilkha and Paddy Campbell, and over the 
years she has negotiated deals with a number of designers.

It is important to distinguish between Caplin, and her mother and boyfriend, but long 
before this current round of guilt-by-association began, Caplin was attracting 
potentially compromising press. In 1994, the Express, for example, alleged that she 
used to run a company "giving women advice on how to spice up their sex lives".

Campbell has never been comfortable with Caplin's proximity. "If you're the prime 
minister's press secretary and you see this happening, what do you do?" says one 
Downing Street insider. "You're into damage avoidance. But is it reasonable that 
someone should be banished to the wastes of Siberia just because the yellow press will 
have a pop at her every two years or so? No." Blair has remained loyal to her friend, 
and continued to be introduced to people by her.

Granted, many highly pressured women - and men - enjoy the benefits of a personal 
trainer and the occasional holistic massage or session of acupuncture. But even by the 
eccentric standards of the alternative therapy community, Blair's choice of 
practitioners has been pilloried for being at the kooky end of the spectrum.

While all who have dealt with Blair observe a strict code of silence, one can readily 
gain a sense of their chosen parish. Eighty-five-year-old Jack Temple, for example, 
runs the Temple Healing Centre in West Byfleet in Surrey. Although he refuses to 
discuss individual patients, Blair was reportedly introduced to him by Caplin six 
years ago. Temple says that he is able to reverse the ageing process by dowsing, and 
that he is able to undertake "absent healing" of clients all over the world, by means 
of bottles of alcohol charged with energy, which is transmitted via a magnetic field 
on his desk.

He also produces a dried strawberry-leaf supplement to cleanse the body of impurities, 
he says, by harvesting plants grown within a circle of stones arranged in accordance 
with a neolithic map of the human body. Blair has been reported to have taken this 

"Everyone wants to knock what I'm doing because they don't understand it," says 
Temple, who charges £55 per consultation. "But it's difficult to explain because 
you can't translate magnetic energy into words."

Meanwhile, Ayurvedic specialist Bharti Vyas, who practises in Mayfair, London, has 
memorably introduced Blair to the bioelectrical shield pendant, which costs more than 
£200 and allegedly protects the wearer from harmful radiation from everyday 
electrical equipment, inflatable "Flowtron" leggings to fight water retention, and the 
acupuncture ear pin, which apparently relieves stress and tension.

But Vyas herself was responsible for a great deal of stress and tension last November, 
when it was suggested that the therapist had abused her famous client in order to gain 
publicity for the opening of a new business venture; the "quiet family affair" that 
Blair had been led to expect turned into a media scrum. The QC issued Vyas with a 
severe reprimand, writing: "I am very uneasy about being used in this way (not for the 
first time) to promote your business. I am going to take a few weeks off from visiting 
the salon and hope in the meantime that you ... will refrain from discussing anything 
to do with the press." The phrase "a few weeks" is pertinent. While Millar was 
reportedly keen that her charge sever all ties with Vyas after such blatant 
exploitation, Blair continues to make secret visits to the salon on a regular basis.

Cherie Blair has one of the sharpest legal brains in the country. She is also a 
committed Catholic, a devoted mother, and an active campaigner for a number of 
worthwhile causes, garnering awe from all around for her ability to manage so many 
conflicting demands. So why does she take advice from a man who insists that he can 
reverse the ageing process by divining for water with a stick? And why does she 
continue to do so despite being constantly warned about the political risk such 
associations represent?

The British press is notorious for denying women the complexity they deserve. It is, 
of course, plausible that an interest in juniper oil and jurisprudence might happily 
co-exist. Nor is there anything profoundly unusual about many of Blair's alternative 
forays, though there are many who would wish to exaggerate them in order to smear her 
husband. Similarly, though she may have been naive in her dealing with Foster, there 
were many watching eagerly for her to slip up.

Blair is certainly broad-minded, and comes from a family of emotionally open and 
experimental women. Her mother, Gale, worked as an actress, and is a constant presence 
at Downing Street. Her sister, Lyndsey, gave up a flourishing career as a property 
lawyer to retrain as a homeopath. As Elizabeth Gibaud, a dietician at the exclusive 
Hale clinic in London, who helped Blair lose a stone following the birth of her son 
Leo, notes: "People don't pay that kind of money if they don't take it seriously."

There is a tacit implication that an interest in the more extreme methods of 
alternative therapy requires a certain gullibility. Yet some working closely with 
Blair argue that her private exploration should remain private, and should be seen in 
the context of her determination to take her position seriously and "look the part".

Others believe that her insecurity may not be helped by her other close and 
notoriously forthright adviser, Millar. "Fiona is unbelievably tough and she's the 
sort of person who would make you feel inadequate," said another source, suggesting 
that Millar could inadvertently become an amplifier for Cherie's insecurities. Caplin 
may thus remain a necessary antidote.

Other less generous observers suggest that Blair's ambition has escalated over the 
years to the extent that she has made herself even more vulnerable, associating with 
people who do not have the perspective or inclination to warn her about potentially 
embarrassing liaisons. True or not, she could not be faulted on her loyalty.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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