On Sun, 19 Nov 2017 17:46:20 +0100 rhia...@falu.nl wrote:

in response to my request,

> > Would it help to modify the iconmanager so that in addition to showing
> > which windows are open and which shut it also shows which one has the
> > focus, e.g. using a colour change, selectable by user, as happens in the
> > workspace manager when I move around workspaces? (Using CTRL+L or CTRL+R)

> At the risk of telling you something you already know (but want
> differently), it already does that. The focused window has a thicker
> black border than the unfocused windows.

Ahhh! It did not happen for me because I had never noticed the option that
needed be added to the Colors list (it's not one of the ancient commented out
entries in my .ctwmrc either):


So I have now added

    IconManagerHighlight "red"

and it seems to work. I suppose I might have found it sooner if it had been
called IconManagerEntryFocusedHighlight ????

(I may choose a more suitable colour for my screen which is all mostly
black  shades of grey and white -- I am partly colour blind anyway.)

> Now that I'm looking at the icon manager anyway, another thing that
> might be nice if its order reflected the window ring order, or that of
> the yet-to-be-created window LIFO order. Or if you could rearrange the
> order of the window-icons inside it by mouse or by f.functions.
> (Not that that would be trivial, since the icon managers of the
> different workspaces have a weird interdependent data structure and the
> code to update it is weird and hard to comprehend).

My main requirement is to have a consistent application-independent mapping
between labels in the iconmanager and windows, a mapping that survices
opening and closing windows, switching tabs, and killing and restarting a
browser that remembers which windows and tabs it had open previously.

It should also work across browsers. I suspect the problem is a defect in
the Xwindow or some other related specification. (I am not an expert on
style specifications!)

Anyhow, you have solved one of my problems. Thanks.


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