From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>What happens when an enemy sniper or FOO captures one
>of these headsets that so nicely show you where all
>your own troops are?
>Tim  : )

        Steve, & Tim,

        What's even so much more important, is that old
saying about radio and radar: if it radiates, it's a beacon.
        The U.S. Military seems to think that it has the lock
on technology, when it comes to fielded communications.
        But, when push comes to shove, and if the wrong
adversary is chosen, what seems to be such a nice little toy
right now will very possibly rend itself useless in short order.
        Either the emitter will become a good locator of the
tactical center, and become its own Judas, or it will draw
attention to itself by easily being detected, and then jammed.
        Along with jamming is spoofing, that art of sending
out more powerful signals that confuse the intended recipient.
        Spread spectrum (or secure communication) is just
as easily detected as either CW (continuous wave) or SSB (single
side band). It matters only in the detection and processing of
the signal. Much of this stuff is so cheap that a third world
country outfitting a small force with it would pose a serious
problem for any NATO unit deploying it. The hitch is in training
those troops to be effective detectors, something that takes a bit
of time, and well as having technology that mimics the stuff that
you might be up against.
        If it can be done, it can also be undone.

The main problem with all these electronic gizmos is the effect
of EMP.  Unless technology has come a long way lately you
can't build a Faraday cage around all these battery operated
rifles and helmets and so on.  But on the other hand, there
are a lot of people out there designing gizmos that generate


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