Nick Royall writes:
<< stop whinging unless to (sic) are going to take up
accountancy as well as shooting then you will know what
establishment costs and EOQ's are and then you will do
the decent thing and buy hundreds of guns each and
thousands of bolt on bits for them.
 Buy locally sourced stuff when you can rather than run
it down, its cheaper in the long run. >>
Really, Nick, this is just too patronising. Are you
suggesting that reasoned protests about the guntrade's
pricing are nothing more than whinging? Do you seriously
suggest that shooters should not complain unless they
know accountancy? And you  must be kidding with that
"cheaper in the long run" stuff - how on earth do you
work that one out? Judging from what other posters besides
myself have said, if we all switched to mail-ordering from 
the USA, we'd save money - in the short term as well as
the long term. I'm not suggesting we do this! Just
demolishing your statement.  As I've said in previous
postings, I know some gun dealers who are bright, 
energetic and realistic: they go to great lengths to
source kit which they can sell on at a profit without the
retail price being extortionate. Such dealers deserve our
custom, though we shall still feel free to buy certain 
things wherever they're cheaper. But I (and others too I
dare say) know people in the guntrade who are not simply
incompetent, with exorbitant pricing, but remarkably
unpleasant to boot. All I'm saying is that market 
forces apply inexorably, and whether you like it or not,
consumers will buy things as cheaply as they can from
people they can deal with. If that means they buy from
dealers in the USA, or Basutoland, or wherever, so be
it: Mr three-hundred-percent-markup down the road has
had his day - especially if he's the sort of ignorant,
miserable sod who's all too common behind UK 
gunshop counters.
Well if customers need to know accounting, dealers need
to know economics!  I can't even find Hoppe's No 9 in
gun shops here, I have to bring it back with me when
I go on holiday.

Basically we're all stuffed until we get the laws

However, like I said before, the dealers who seem to
be doing the best are the ones who have products you
can't get overseas, such as straight-pull rifles, or
custom pistol-calibre rifles, long-barrelled revolvers
and so on.


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